Paradigm of higher education in conditions of integration challenges

: 30-36

Parpan U. "Paradigm of higher education in conditions of integration challenges"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article examines the influence of integration processes on the development of the system of higher education in Ukraine, examines the concept of integration in higher education, defines the content of the concept of the integration environment in the process of training future specialists. As a result of the analysis, it was investigated that complex and multicomponent concept of integration in education can be considered in the external manifestation as a process of reforming, modernizing education, moving to the European space, one of the tasks of which is to raise competence of future specialists to world standards, as well as in its internal manifestation , which implies a variety of areas, such as the integration of content of educational disciplines, the integration of education and science, higher education institutions and enterprises, etc.

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