The article analyzes the ways of influence of social networks on the formation and conduct of political PR-campaigns. Examples from the political sphere (election campaigns, initiatives), in particular Ukrainian and other foreign presidential and parliamentary elections, revealed the opportunities that Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, YouTube create in promoting a candidate, leader, ideas and opinions. Author blogs created on social networks can be an additional tool in a PR campaign.
Social networks interfere in the sphere of human life, become a means of communication, promotion, branding. The effectiveness of social networks is evidenced by such historically significant events as Brexit, the Arab Spring and the Revolution of Dignity. Particular attention was paid to the Ukrainian presidential elections in 2019 and local elections in 2020.
Based on the analysis of individual PR campaigns, the reasons for successful and unsuccessful campaigns in terms of network communications, which provide unlimited multimedia and interactive tools for PR.
In fact, these concepts significantly affect the effectiveness of the PR-campaign, its ultimate effectiveness, which is determined by the achievement of goals.
Choosing a blog as the main tool of a marketing campaign has both positive and negative sides. Only a person with great creative potential can create a blog. In addition, it takes a long time. In fact, these two points lose compared to other instruments.
Further research is interesting in two respects. First, a comparison of the dynamics of the effectiveness of PR-campaign tools in Ukraine in 2020 and in the past, in particular, at the dawn of state independence. Second, explore how and / or the concept of PR campaigns in social networks and blogs is constantly changing.
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