The social network Instagram has long gone beyond the entertainment platform where you can only share photos and short captions to them. Now it is a full-fledged resource for popularizing your own content and sharing it on other social platforms, in particular Facebook. Since its foundation in 2010, this social network regularly optimizes its functions, which simplifies the work for users. Today, every popular domestic media outlet, as well as many powerful persons of the state, is registered in Instagram and get things working well here. This is a versatile social network, because here you can share your own content, promote yourself, search for informational occasions and get relevant and up-to-date information directly from primary sources. Instagram has a number of features, functions and trends that allow you to optimize your work and effectively promote journalistic content and your own activities. Imitating the activities of their foreign colleagues, domestic media professionals have also stepped up their work on Instagram. A whole galaxy of media outlets has already been formed in Ukraine, which work on Instagram is not less interesting and informative Each of them has its own unique style of content presentation, which attracts the attention of many subscribers to really interesting and controversial topics for society. Also, there are frequent cases when a post or story of a prominent person in this social media is the reason for writing journalistic material, and sometimes even for investigating and punishing those responsible. That is why the domestic media, having realized the scale of the impact of Instagram on the audience, actively build up their work in this social network
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