It is noted that today the sphere of social security of judges in Ukraine is characterized by the following areas: 1) adaptation of European standards and experience of foreign countries in the legislation on the judiciary and the status of judges of Ukraine; 2) increase in judges' salaries by cutting social guarantees; 3) reduction of the content and volume of social security of the judiciary; 4) the transition of the state from the predominance of in-kind social security (due primarily to benefits and guarantees) to cash security. As evidenced by our study of issues and trends in the further development of legal regulation of social security of judges in Ukraine's European integration, legislation on the judiciary and the status of judges is still low to address current issues, and the level of scientific attention to these issues is low. The problems of legal regulation of social security of judges are primarily related to the current trends, namely the reduction of social security and the focus on high wages. Therefore, the vast majority of problems are due to the fact that these processes are perceived at the scientific level ambiguous. There are many areas of social security for judges, the lack of state guarantees for which can be considered a restriction of their rights. At the same time, the legislator made several inaccuracies in the regulation of existing forms. It is a set of these controversial issues and is the result of the volume of problems of legal regulation of social security of judges
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