Regulatory provision of the right to information in Ukraine: the state and proposals of improvement

: 244-250

Yarmol L., Tyman M. "Regulatory provision of the right to information in Ukraine: the state and proposals of improvement"

Lviv Polytechnic National University
student 1 year of the second (master's) level

The article is devoted to the coverage of one of the most important constitutional human rights - the right to information, the realization of which is necessary to ensure the basic conditions of human life. The purpose of the article is to analyze the normative provision of the right to information in Ukraine and to formulate proposals for its improvement. The research used general scientific (functional, axiological, comparative, logical, etc.) and special legal methods (interpretation of legal norms, functional law, comparative law, etc.). It is noted that the human right to information is enshrined in major international human rights instruments (Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 19), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 19), Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Article 10). However, according to these international instruments, this right is an integral part of the freedom of expression. In Ukraine, at the constitutional level, the right of everyone is proclaimed as; "Everyone shall have the right to freely collect, store, use, and disseminate information by oral, written, or other means at his discretion." (Part 2, Art. 34). In addition, we have adopted many regulations on the implementation, protection and defense of the right to information. However, they need to be improved, complemented and coordinated in the light of changes in public and in particular state life, and in view of the rapid development of information relations in the world. In order to improve the mechanism for exercising the right to information, the Constitution of Ukraine proposes: 1) in Part 2 of Art. 34 provide for the following capabilities of a person: seek, receive, capture, transmit information; 2) in a separate section on the rights of the child, to proclaim the following important opportunities for the child: freedom of formation and expression of its views (which also includes information rights), the right to be heard when making any decisions concerning it. 3) specify in the legislation on education the possibilities of the child to access, search, receive, disseminate information in the process of obtaining its education. The proposal of national scientists on the codification of information legislation and adoption of the Information Code of Ukraine, which would contribute to better legal protection of the right to information, was supported.

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