The article analyzes the problem of discrimination against a person or a group of persons as a social phenomenon that has a negative meaning for society, the state, and a person. It has been proven that manifestations of inequality are a complex social phenomenon subordinated to a simplified model of thinking about people with a certain individual characteristic with stereotypes, prejudice and stigmas.
The problem of the social existence of discrimination lies in its social rooting. Peoples and social groups take this phenomenon for granted, and only in the light of modern trends in the humanization of legal reality and the rule of law, issues of overcoming inequality and combating discrimination have received complex state and political attention.
Law is a social phenomenon. This is especially important in the case of various legal sciences, since the legal field of social life is the main brick of the sociological structure of society.
It is indicated that established stereotypes existing in a particular society are significant factors influencing discriminatory behavior as simplified patterns of group thinking, which allow rapid development of assessments of various phenomena, people or situations. They are not sufficiently substantiated, and the elements that determine their form and content are cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Stereotyped thinking is present in almost every field of human activity. Established stereotypes existing in a particular society are significant factors influencing discriminatory behavior
Discrimination can be a consequence of institutionally established inequality, which leads to the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of certain groups of persons formed on various grounds; it can lead to unequal treatment, humiliation or underestimation of the person.
It has been proven that stereotypes and stigmas prevalent in society are not just a negative phenomenon, they can be threatening to a person and society, socially harmful, or even dangerous.
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