Regulatory and legal principles of the legal status of the national council on Anti-corruption policy issues

: 136-143
Chornopyska V., Lipkovska M. “Regulatory and legal principles of the legal status of the national council on Anti-corruption policy issues.”

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article analyzes the theoretical and legal foundations and normative and legislative norms of the legal status of the National Council on Anti-corruption Policy. Despite a significant number of legal provisions regarding the foundations of its work, most of the norms have an indirect meaning and only partially regulate the process of functioning of the National Council in certain directions. In addition, only one sub-legal document, the Decree of the President of Ukraine, directly concerns the legal status of the National Council and its key aspects. Because of this, the normative and legal regulation of the activity of the researched advisory body has a number of shortcomings. First, it is incomplete, as the specifics of the Council's work are only partially established at the sub-legal level. At the legislative level, within the main official documents in the field of corruption prevention, there are no provisions regarding the National Council and the specifics of its work, while this body is one of the main subjects of the prevention and fight against corruption. Secondly, regulatory and legal regulation is non-systemic, because although the functions of the Council are defined, legal mechanisms for their implementation have not actually been developed and implemented. Thirdly, the order and specifics of the interaction of the National Council on Anti-Corruption Policy with other state authorities and anti-corruption entities in Ukraine regarding the formation and implementation of anti-corruption policy have not been established. Fourthly, the regulatory act concerning the legal status of the National Council does not in any way prescribe the specifics of using the provisions and norms of international documents on anti-corruption issues in the work of the body.

It is also worth noting that the mentioned points undoubtedly have a negative impact on the work of the National Council on Anti-corruption Policy, because the lack of legal regulation of the work of the body leads to its functional inefficiency, the lack of rational use of state resources for its maintenance, as well as the disputed legal status within state apparatus as a whole.

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