Project of electronic content commerce system development and implementation

: pp. 321 - 348

Andrunyk V., Vysotska V., Chyrun L.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

In the given article the main problems of electronic content commerce and functional services of commercial content processing are analyzed. The proposed model gives an opportunity to create an instrument of information resources processing in electronic content commerce systems (ECCS) and to implement the subsystem of commercial content formation, management and support. The process of ECCS design and creation as an Internet marketing result is iterative. It contains in its structure a number of stages (from the analysis, design and development of a plan to a prototype construction and experimental tests). The latter process begins with the specifications and layout formation, content template creation, content formation and its subsequent publishing according to the site’s structure. In the initial stages (before setting functional requirements and development process initiation) regular users are involved into the process through poll letters, alternative design and prototyping of varying degrees of readiness. Thus, valuable information is collected without much effort, along with both evoking users’ sense of direct involvement in the design process, as well as winning their trust. The paper analyzes sequence methods and models of information resources processing in electronic content-commerce systems. It also allocates the basic laws of the transition from commercial content formation to its implementation. The formal model of ECCS is created, which allows the implementation in phases of the commercial content lifecycle. The developed formal model of information resources processing in electronic content-commerce systems allows us to create a generalized typical architecture of ECCS. The generalized typical architecture of ECCS is proposed in the paper, which helps implement the processes of commercial content formation, management and realization. Based on the analysis of the basic tasks of electronic content commerce system (ECCS), instrumental means, information technologies and software for constructing of such systems have been analyzed and summarized in the article. ECCS functional diagram with information resources processing subsystems has been developed. The overall architecture, objectives and principles of ECCS realization were described in details. The functional elements of the system were described according to GOST 24.204.80, GOST 24.201-79, GOST 19.201-78, GOST 34.602-89, IEEE Std 1233, 1998 Edition, IEEE Std 830-1998. Software creation tools as well as management and maintenance of the content, and the software realizations of developed ECCS with information resources processing subsystems to set up e-commerce in online newspapers and journals are also presented in the article. The functional logistic method of content processing as the content life cycle stage is proposed in the given article. The method of commercial content processing describes the information resources formation and rubrication processes and simplifies the commercial content management. In the given article the main problems of functional services of commercial content processing are analyzed. The proposed method gives an opportunity to create means of information resources processing and to implement the commercial ECCS.

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