The results of scientific research concerning features of regional news of Luhansk and Donetsk regions are examined in this article as well as empirical analysis of possibilities of TV channels of beforementioned regions and monitoring of expectations of recipients who live on the edge between the territories occupied by Russia and the territories under control of Ukraine. Instruments and models of production of high-quality content for regional TV news in conditions of war are offered for the sake of national and civil dignity and Ukrainian identity. It was clarified that the subject and content characteristic of the news, their visual-textual tension and non-tension depend mainly on the socio-political situation in the region, Ukraine and the world.
It is investigated that in many channels which have been financed from the local or state budget still there is a lot of information about the first persons of region, but it must be in the past. There are a lot of sources of information, which can lead to publishing quality and interesting stories.
Characteristic features of neutralization of aggression in regional media are outlined, in particular in the TV news. The events that provoke aggression and their impact on the viewer are analyzed and alternative ways to reduce it are suggested.
It is worth combining the ethereal, non-ester and online promotions - everything that happens inside, outside and on the Internet. And in any case, it is not necessary to apply different strategies to them. It is about sites, which should add speed and dynamics, to strengthen its communication tasks between the viewer and the channel. The channel could acquire individual traits, to become attractive, and this can be done by updating its design, manner and style of content which broadcasts on the channel. News programs should be broadcasted in Ukrainian language.
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