The following aspect is examined in this article: the concept of creating news on regional TV channels consists of informing about all spheres of life organically combined with regional, national and universal values. Under such conditions, content of news will promote the formation of healthy moral and psychological qualities, humanistic outlook, national civil dignity.
In the basis of the regional mediaproduction that affects interests and needs of a person or Ukrainian society as a whole, there should be information about regional, national and universal values in organic unity regardless of whether it concerns social, political, economics, cultural issues, etc.
As a result of analysis of the news content the following social and cultural values can be singled out: absolute, national, civil, family, personal.
Thus, the main tasks of regional television include active promotion of formation of Ukrainian national civil identity, overcoming pessimism in relation to the possibility of building a united, independent, legal, democratic state, creating the decent living conditions as a result of own work of the population.
We also conducted a poll, interviewing reporters on the meaning of their journalistic work. In the result 39 out of 50 people responded that the main thing for them was understanding, perceptions of the audience of their news reports.
Therefore, the news will be valuable for the socio-cultural space (macro level), provided that there is a deep general (intellectual), concrete (knowledge of the object of illumination), a psychological (national and civic position) of the journalist's training, which at the micro level is associated with the need for the media to study each time " agenda setting ", to pick up such informational messages that not only meet the criteria of news, but also the expectations of the media audience regarding the structuring of its interests.
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