In the article, based on a thorough analysis of the Constitution of the UnitedStates
(1787), the Judgment Act of 1789, a significant number of scientific literatureclarifies the
historical and legal aspects of the constitutional and legal status of thejudiciary in the United
States. The order of appointment (election) of judges in theUSA is investigated. The
advantages of the organization of the US judicial system, theappointment of federal judges,
and certain shortcomings in the implementation oflegal regulation have been identified.
According to the results of the study, it was proved that the Judgment Act of1789 not
only established the organization of the federal judicial system, but alsocontributed to the socalled
"merger" with her states. The federal and state courtsreviewed cases based
directly on the provisions of federal laws and state laws. Thestate courts were not limited to
the right to impose penalties, unlike district courts.The disadvantage of the Judicial Act of
1789 was that it provided for the functioningof district courts in the composition of judges of
the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates, which led to a permanent deferral of the Supreme
Court proceedings becauseof the lack of quorum and self-repression of its judges who, as part
of the districtcourts, had passed or reviewed the impugned decision.
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