Purpose. The aim of researches was to reproduce by the results of physical modeling the features of the formation and evolution of plicative and disjunctive structures in horizontal shear zones (HShZ) and analyze field geophysical data on modern geodynamics of such zones. Methods. Methods include physical modeling of structure formation process (deformation and fracturing) in horizontal shear zones and field geophysical studies (extenzometric and tiltmetric) of deformation processes in such zones. Results. On the special installation a physical modeling of widespread in nature tectonic processes of horizontal shear zones formation and evolution is done. To do this, as a plastic-viscous modeling materials the special clay paste with adjustable rheological characteristics were used that made it possible to reproduce the processes of brittle fracturing and plastic deformations of rocks and the processes of transitional types. Typical time-spatial patterns of simulated processes are reproduced, their typical stages are marked out and the evolution of cracks systems (that characterize these successive stages) is traced, the role of each of those cracks systems in structure formation is determined. The regularities of structure formation processes in space (along extension of structures), in particular regarding the alternation of zones of extension and compression, structures of cleavage, breaking and shearing. Examples of such type zones in geological structures in Beregovo hill-land in Transcarpathians (in the adit of regime geophysical stations (RGS) "Beregovo") and some results of geophysical (extenzometric and tiltmetric) monitoring of their modern geodynamic regime are given. These results (registered in recent years pre-, co-, and post-seismic deformation from a number of local (Transcarpathians, southeastern Poland), strong regional (Greece, Turkey, Iran, Aegean Sea) and strongest (with M≥7) global earthquakes (Japan, Canada, Guatemala, Sakhalin, Kurily etc.)) indicate that the geodynamics of controlled (in adit of RGS) local fractured zone is closely related to geodynamics of all rock massifs and through it to geodynamics of lithosphere of whole Transcarpathians and of whole Earth. Originality. By the results of physical modeling patterns of evolution in time and in space (along extension of structures) of structure formation processes (deformation and fracturing) in horizontal shear zones were established. The relation of deformation processes in a controlled (in the adit of RGS "Beregovo") local fractured zone of horizontal shearing to geodynamics of all rock massifs and through it to geodynamics of lithosphere of whole Transcarpathians and of whole Earth is revealed. Practical significance. The researches results make it possible to increase the efficiency of searches of minerals in widespread in the crust fractured zones with horizontal shear kinematics and also increase the reliability of seismic hazard assessments in these zones and efficacy of seismoprognostic studies with using such zones as concentrators of stress and deformations.
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