Ethical standards and human freedom in law: an integrative aspect

: 89-94

Romanova A., Rusal L. "Ethical standards and human freedom in law: an integrative aspect"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education
Lviv Institute Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

The special features of the integrative aspect of ethical standards and human freedom in law are revealed due to the fact that harmony in law is manifested through the principle of coordination of actions between different elements and structural subdivisions forming the social system, which enables to acquire ethical knowledge of ethical principles and standards from ethical codes that are sources of information about public values. Freedom is emphasized as an intrinsic emotional quality of a person. The peculiarities of developing harmony of the system of personal attitude to the surrounding world and people, producing one's own role-playing behavior as important factors in forming the sensation of natural and legal freedom of a person are analyzed. It is proved that ethical norms in law act as criteria for the ratio of actions of participants in the law-making and law-enforcement process, contribute to their evaluation in terms of compliance or non-compliance with moral norms. Not only human actions, but also all reality, both social and natural, are subject to moral evaluation. Ethical evaluation, in turn, acts for the subject as a requirement for a particular act, namely a moral obligation to do good to a particular subject. Evaluation is made through the prism of such concepts of moral consciousness as good and evil, justice, duty, conscience. Through the evaluation in the mind of the subject of law enforcement activity, "being" is compared with "proper", because it is deontology, as a section of ethics, that gives the status of binding moral norms. Moral assessments, being universal, apply to almost all human actions, while the ethical foundations of law enforcement operate in a particular legal area. It is established that the problem of moral and legal education of future lawyers acquires special significance in this connection. The formation of high moral qualities in the conditions of the formation of civil society should be based on the recommendations of scientists. The educational aspect is expressed in the effect of ethical norms on the will and consciousness of people to form a respectful attitude to legal norms. Ethical norms inform about the moral foundations of the process of law enforcement activity, bring to the human consciousness knowledge of principles, norms and rules. They combine all aspects of the formation and development of law and the legal system on the basis of an axiological factor.

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