: 73-86
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Depending on the state of architectural object preservation and information
how it was looking in a certain historical period, a decision to preserve and restore the building
is made. It is important the building to function and to be attractive to tourists as the life that
flourishes within the object ensures the viability of the architectural object. Revival of
abandoned and forgotten architectural monuments, in particular castles in ruins, is an
extremely difficult task to realization. European experience shows that it is necessary to act by
the method of revitalization, i.e. object removal from the emergency state, its conservation and
adaptation to new functions with minimum necessary changes. A ruin which new forms and
materials have been installed in and which have been adapted to a certain function and at the
same time have preserved an authentic component is extremely relevant task for today. Castles
having lost their original purpose, finding ways to fill them with new life (their revitalization)
is an important action for society as well as for the monuments themselves.
The article considers practical experience of revitalizing castle ruins of Europe based on
the examples of castles in England (Blencow Hall, Sandsfoot), Scotland (Urqhurt), Italy
(Dolceaqua, Sigmundskron), Germany (Moritzburg), Poland (Malbork). Analyzing and
systematizing the European experience of castle ruins revitalization, we observe a synthesis of
measures for their preservation and further functioning. As it can be seen from the given
examples this synthesis is a combination of methods of conservation and revitalization. As a
rule, the revitalization method consists of selecting the optimal functional use, providing
convenient access for visitors, developing measures of permanent care of the monument. The
given examples show that revitalization measures often lead to the creation of a new
architectural work, which serves as a modern addition to the memorial object, and it is the most
controversial element of revitalization events.

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