On February 24, 2022, Russian troops invaded the territory of Ukraine, which led state authorities to adopt a military situation in the country. As a result, a number of questions arise how to act in martial law in various spheres and objects. An important point in this context is the educational sphere, namely the peculiarities of its legal regulation of remuneration of employees of educational institutions in the languages of martial law.
The work described the main regulations that regulate the activities of the educational sphere, regulate the military situation in the state. The main duties of the heads of educational institutions for the support and functioning of workers are given.
Attention is focused on the fact that the introduction of martial law in Ukraine is a strict necessity that arose as a result of military aggression by the Russian Federation, as well as the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service", the Codes of Ukraine: the Labor Code of Ukraine, the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and other central executive authorities.
The analysis of the content of requirements and explanations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (orders, letters) is carried out in part: compliance by employers with the requirements of labor legislation regarding compliance with such standards as the minimum wage, the minimum period of leave and rest, maximum working hours; prohibitions on employers to force employees to write applications for leave; peculiarities of work of education workers on a distance basis in compliance with the appropriate mode of work; monitoring by the employer on the employee's work and the results of his work.
The procedure for calculating the salaries of employees of educational institutions is characterized, provided that individual classes were not held for reasons beyond the control of the education worker.
The peculiarities of educational activities of employees who are currently volunteers of territorial defense with the dissemination and provision of guarantees of their legal and social status, which is associated in some cases with an individual work schedule in the field of education, have been clarified.
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