The article is devoted to the issues of the objective need to transform functional-methodical approaches to personnel management in the context of the integration of production and network information technologies. The functions of personnel management in the conditions of digitalization are defined. It is noted that the implementation of each management function requires the use of specific technologies
Methods of personnel management in the conditions of integration of production and network information technologies are revealed. It is argued that the effectiveness of these personnel management methods in the conditions of digitalization depends on the flexibility of employees, the introduction of innovations, accounting for the moral wear and tear of processes, increasing the speed of learning, the development of internal rotation and the flexibility of job instructions.
The main modern challenges and new tasks of personnel management are characterized. It is emphasized that all these challenges cause changes in approaches to personnel motivation and tasks of motivation policy.
The advantages of the personnel management information support system are noted. New methods introduced into the practical activities of personnel management services, transformed into human resource management departments, are characterized. The KPI system is presented, which guides the activities of employees to achieve the planned results with the possibility of their overachievement. The results grading system is described, which allows positioning in the hierarchy of their value for the enterprise. The QMM system is shown, which provides personnel evaluation system based on quality system criteria. The MBO system that supports personnel management by results or management by goals is demonstrated. It is noted that the concept of a balanced system of BSC indicators is an effective tool that allows managing the personnel training system of a modern enterprise.
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