The role of information and communication management in the strategic management of the organization is to ensure the effective collection, analysis and dissemination of information to achieve strategic goals. This area of management plays a critical role in the formulation and implementation of strategies because it allows the management of the organization to have access to important data to make informed decisions. Information and communication management contributes to the optimization of management processes by creating a data collection and processing system that helps in identifying and solving strategic problems. In addition, this type of management helps to increase the effectiveness of communication within the organization, which contributes to joint work and the achievement of set goals. In summary, information and communication management acts as a key element of strategic management, which helps the organization adapt to changes in the external environment, make informed decisions and ensure competitive advantages in the market. The aim of this research is to study and analyze the impact of the information and communication mechanism on the effectiveness of strategic management in modern organizations and are also aimed at revealing the role of the information and communication mechanism in the strategic management of the organization and providing recommendations for improving its use in order to achieve competitive advantage and success of the organization.
Methodology. The author has conducted a systematic analysis of scientific sources, scientific and technical literature, articles, books and other sources related to the information and communication mechanism and strategic management. This analysis allowed to obtain a sound theoretical basis for the study, as well as to identify problems, challenges and opportunities in this area. The researcher also conducted a method of observing the processes of strategic management in organizations, analyzing the interaction between different functional groups to identify key aspects of the use of the information and communication mechanism and ways to optimize it.
There are several research results: firstly, the study showed that the effective use of the information and communication mechanism allows for the rapid transfer and processing of information, which contributes to better and more informed strategic decisions. Secondly, it was proved that the information and communication mechanism is an important tool for introducing innovations in strategic management. This allows you toquickly transfer new ideas and knowledge, promotes cooperation between various structural divisions, and stimulates the creative potential of the organization. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the need for effective use of the information and communication mechanism in the strategic management of the organization.
The practical implications of the research, which emphasizes the need for effective use of the information and communication mechanism in the strategic management of the organization, are as follows: 1) Organizations may find the need to improve their information and communication infrastructure. This may include the introduction of new software tools, electronic document management systems, web platforms for communication and collaboration between employees, as well as providing access to relevant information through internal networks. 2) The results of the study may prompt the organization to review and improve its strategic management processes. This may include changes in the processes of gathering and analyzing information, communication between different levels and functional units, and making decisions based on up-to-date data.
The originality and value of the research lie in the following aspects:
1) Research can bring new knowledge, discoveries and insights that were not previously known or were not sufficiently developed.
2) Includes recommendations that can be used to improve practices, processes or decisions in a specific area of activity.
3) The originality of research is that it can contribute to the development of new ideas, approaches and technologies. It can stimulate innovation in the industry, contributing to the development of new products, services or processes that have a significant impact on the market or society at large.
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