The article examines and studies the essence of competitiveness and the choice of an effective competitive strategy in various literary sources, scientific studies, and current regulations. According to the literature, all authors emphasize that for an enterprise to operate effectively in a competitive industry, it is necessary to have its own competitiveness strategy, which is formed as an action plan for obtaining a sustainable competitive position. Moreover, there are many types of competitive strategies, from which an enterprise can choose the most optimal one according to its capabilities and resources.
In today's highly competitive global business environment, achieving and maintaining competitiveness is a top priority for businesses seeking to enter new markets. This article provides an overview of the specifics of selecting and implementing effective competitive strategies in the context of ensuring the development of an enterprise in European markets.
The authors also analyze the company's activities in various areas. First, was analyzed the general management system of the enterprise, its organizational structure, and characterized each management function used at the enterprise. Based on analysis of the company's activities, the problems of choosing and implementing competitiveness strategies were investigated, and the two most important ones that need to be addressed were identified.
Using a full analysis, the article not only identifies these challenges, but also proposes strategic ideas and plans to overcome them. It delves into the development of systematic approaches to solving existing problems related to the choice and implementation of the strategy. Strategies may include market segmentation, product adaptation, market entry, etc., each of which is tailored to the unique characteristics of European markets.
In addition, the authors discuss in detail the methods and techniques for the effective implementation of the selected strategies. They explore issues such as resource sharing and strategic coordination, which are crucial for the successful implementation of competitiveness strategies. It is vital to ensure that the chosen strategies are aligned with the company's core competencies and long-term goals, which will allow the company to create a sustainable competitive advantage in European markets.
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