
Application of Innovative Tools to Optimize Business Processes of Enterprises in the Context of European Integration: Challenges and Prospects

The article discusses the challenges and prospects of applying innovative tools for optimizing business processes of enterprises in the context of European integration. The classification of business processes of enteprises, as well as innovations and innovation processes, has been supplemented and systematized.


The role of information and communication management in the strategic management of the organization is to ensure the effective collection, analysis and dissemination of information to achieve strategic goals. This area of management plays a critical role in the formulation and implementation of strategies because it allows the management of the organization to have access to important data to make informed decisions.

Problems of Selection and Implementation of Competitiveness Strategies in the Context of Ensuring the Development AT UA.Consultyng LLC in European Markets

The article examines and studies the essence of competitiveness and the choice of an effective competitive strategy in various literary sources, scientific studies, and current regulations. According to the literature, all authors emphasize that for an enterprise to operate effectively in a competitive industry, it is necessary to have its own competitiveness strategy, which is formed as an action plan for obtaining a sustainable competitive position.

Planning Export Activities in the Conditions of Entering New Markets

Today, the concept of raising business efficiency to a higher level is a critically important direction of development of the modern Ukrainian economy. 

Building a sustainable and competitive economy contributes to the creation of healthy competition between various market participants, which has a significant impact on the relationship between producers and consumers. This forces manufacturers to focus their attention on the development and modernization of their products. In the long term, it plays a key role for the country as a whole.


Globally, cities have two options for growth: extensive and intensive. The former involves expanding the city's area to accommodate increased development or population. However, this option has significant drawbacks, including longer travel times within the city, loss of arable or recreational land around the city, and the need to construct new infrastructure. As a result, many cities opt for the intensive approach, which maximizes land use efficiency.

Problems and prospects of the development of industry 4.0 in Ukraine under the conditions of European integration

Experts considered the concept of the essence of "Industry 4.0" under European integration conditions. The problems, prospects, threats, and possibilities of processes of formation and further development of Industry 4.0 in Ukraine under the conditions of European integration are studied. The structure of approaches to the global interpretation of the "Industry 4.0" concept is given.

Board games market of Ukraine: current state and development prospects

The analyzed market of board games is quite widespread in the world. This market is only gaining momentum and becomes interesting in the future in Ukraine, as it is potentially large-scale and not yet saturated with goods. Indeed, the market is gradually changing and there was a particular jump during the lockdown when people got into board games. Therefore, the article reviews the board games market, which, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, had a different impact on the enterprise’s activities in this field of activity.

Lean management un the context of economic growth and development

Economic growth planning plays an important role because it ensures the efficient operation of the company, and efficient operations cannot be carried out without reducing production costs. That is why it is expedient to implement a system of planning of lean management for the purpose of economic growth in the context of the introduction of new types of foreign economic activity. Therefore, the purpose of the work is to develop measures for planning economic growth at the enterprise in the context of introduction of new types of foreign economic activity.