: 67-72
Lviv Politechnic National University, Department of Design and Fundamentals of Architecture

Stained glass has attracted the attention of art critics and scientists for centuries. Stained glass art plays a special artistic role in decorating windows, doors, and ceilings. In addition to the traditional use of stained glass windows, they are used in the design of modern interiors. Although stained-glass windows are not a common design solution in interior design, they are increasingly used for their individualization in modern decoration. In the process of researching decorative decoration of modern interiors with the use of stained glass, new techniques and technologies of their implementation, compositional solutions, their color range were considered, and the main features of artistic expression were revealed. In modern interiors of residential premises, you can find stylized decorative and ornamental stylized stained-glass compositions, which are characterized by a linear division of the glass canvas with the use of faceted glass elements. With the help of stained glass windows, the space of the living room is filled with warm or cold, monochrome or polychrome colors, which enhances the visual perception of certain interior elements. Stained glass compositions using traditional and modern production technologies were analyzed and their role in modern interior design was determined.

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