: 37-43
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Architectural Constructions

H. O. Hnat (20001)The article deals with the issues of adapting premises in the attic of the main building of the Lviv Polytechnic National University for educational and office purposes, in order to increase the number of lecture rooms in the Institute of Architecture and to improve educational process.

Specifics of educational process of architectural specialties requires, in addition to lecture rooms, also: premises where students can make models (model workshops); drawing rooms for doing course and diploma projects; computer classes for mastering the necessary level of computer modelling; rooms for drawing and painting, to ensure the development of the artistic skills of future architects; exhibition, teaching, archival and warehouse premises.

At the same time, there are unused areas on ​​the attic floor in the main building, which may be suitable for use after reconstruction and replanning. Therefore, the aim of this work is to consider potential opportunities and to propose the concept of adapting the unused attic area in the main building of the Lviv Polytechnic National University for educational and office purposes, so that they can suit the needs of the Institute of Architecture and the auxiliary services of the university administration.

According to preliminary calculations, adaptation of the attic area in the main building of the Lviv Polytechnic National University can give the university up to 4 thousand square meters of area necessary for educational and office purposes.

 It will be possible to restore part of spacious lecture rooms on the first, second, and third floors, which were eliminated on separate occasions by means of their division into small offices, having moved the aforementioned offices to the attic floor of the main building. The need to restore two halls that serve lighting and recreational purposes in the central part of each floor is of paramount importance, which will give the main building, on a par with the main stairs, a particularly unique look.

It will also be possible to move to the attic floor certain functions from the premises that are now located in very unattractive one-story extensions built in the 50s-60s of the XX century, which occupy the courtyards and at the same time deprive the galleries located on the first floor of natural lighting. The resulting attic area will give a chance to eliminate these extensions, which are completely alien to the architecture of the main building, and thus restore the primary recreational and presentational function of the inner courtyards.

The resulting additional areas make it possible to take a number of reconstruction and restoration measures aimed at restoring the original architectural image of the interiors in the main building. Accomplishment of the set objectives requires performance of a number of scientific, architectural and planning, and engineering works, which should become the next stage of this work

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7. Slovenska arhitektura [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу:

8. Sanierung mittelrisalit Technische Universität Wien [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: