One of the most important ecological problems of the XXI century is the change in the global climate. Over the past decade, as a result of human activity, the concentration of gases forming the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is increasing. This leads to devastating consequences for the planet Earth and makes the problem of climate change one of the most important in the field of environmental protection. There are many ways to solve this problem, one of them is the reduction of CO2 concentration with the use of biological methods for the purification of industrial gas emissions using the photosynthetic properties of microalgae.
Among all the known methods for cleaning greenhouse gases, the biological method has a number of significant advantages. In particular, due to the good ability of microorganisms to adapt in adverse conditions (high concentration and toxicity, complex mixture of pollutants), this method of cleaning is the most effective and safe in use.
The main source of carbon dioxide (CO2) is the products of combustion of fuel, solid, liquid or gaseous. Consequently, by-products of combustion are SO2, NxOy and P2O5. Certainly, the presence of these gases will affect the absorption efficiency of CO2 chlorophyllsynthesizing microalgae of the Chlorella type. Therefore, it is important to investigate the effect of phosphorus oxide (P2O5) on the absorption efficiency of carbon dioxide (CO2) chlorophyllsynthesizing microalgae of the Chlorella type.
We have already investigated the effect of sulfur oxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NxOy) in our previous works. The literature contains little information on the influence of phosphorous oxide on the growth of biomass of algae. Therefore, it was important to investigate the effect of phosphorus oxide on the photosynthesis of chlorophyllsynthesizing microalgae.
The influence of nitrogen oxides on the СО2 uptake rate by chlorophyll-producing microalgae was investigated. Experimental dependences of СО2 absorption by microalgae in relation to phosphorus oxide concentration were obtained. The mathematical model of growth of Chlorella type microalgae population depending on phosphorus oxide concentration was developed. On the basis of the mathematical model solution and the experimental data obtained, a chart of the dependence of CO2 absorption by microalgae of the Chlorella type, provided that phosphorus oxide
are present, was plotted. The calculated value of the phosphorus oxide optimum concentration for chlorophyll-producing microalgae growth was determined.
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