: 124-131
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

It is well known that humanity has to deal with a large number of environmental problems. Every year the level of the Earth's electromagnetic field is only increasing, which is associated with human activity. Promising was the solution of the problem of carbon dioxide absorption by chlorophyll synthesizing microalgae under the influence of microwave electromagnetic radiation. This study is one of the few ways to solve this problem, in particular, reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide through the use of biological methods for purifying industrial gas emissions with the use of photosynthetic properties of plant organisms.

Unlike other green plants, algae have a number of significant benefits. They grow  faster, and, accordingly, absorb more concentrations of green gases and can adapt to extremely unfavorable conditions.

Electromagnetic radiation is a powerful physical stimulus. Living organisms have different sensitivity to natural and anthropogenic sources of electromagnetic radiation: the nature and severity of the biological effect depend on the parameters of electromagnetic radiation and the level of organization of the biosystems.

      According to many scientists, the biological effect of electromagnetic radiation is due to the influence on the water molecule, dissolved substance in it, and the state of cell membranes. The property to inhibit the development of microorganisms has all types of electromagnetic radiation, relatively weak and more energy-intensive.

Along with the effect of inhibitory nature are examples of stimulating certain processes of microorganisms.

       The influence of electromagnetic radiation on multicellular organisms is sufficiently highlighted in the literature, but little information is available on its effect on unicellular organisms, in particular such as chlorophyllsinting microalgae of the Chlorella type.

      In connection with this, it is important to investigate the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the growth of chlorophyllsynthesizing microalgae of the Chlorella type.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the СО2 uptake rate by chlorophyll-producing microalgae was investigated. Experimental dependences of green gases absorption by microalgae in relation to endurance time were obtained. The mathematical model of growth of Chlorella type microalgae population depending on endurance time of electromagnetic radiation was developed. On the basis of the mathematical model solution and the experimental data obtained, a chart of the dependence of CO2 absorption by microalgae of the Chlorella type, provided that of electromagnetic radiation are present, was plotted.   The calculated value of the endurance time of electromagnetic radiation for chlorophyll-producing microalgae growth was determined. 


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