: 146-153
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of building production
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of construction production
Lviv polytechnic National University

It is shown that solving the problem of energy saving of housing and public objects use is possible due to the growth of production and use of aerated concrete as an effective insulation material, which ensures the implementation of the concept of sustainable development of Ukraine. Analysis of the data of the Ukrainian Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Producers Association has shown that the demand for aerated concrete constantly increases, and the growth of its production is about 40–45 %. It has been established that one of the most pressing problems of the technology of thermal insulation and constructional and thermal insulation of aerated concrete is to reduce their average density while providing the necessary strength values and other operational properties. This requires the design of optimal composition of aerated concrete mix for non-autoclaved aerated concrete, technological parameters of their production. It has been established that binders for non-autoclaved aerated concrete should be characterized by high activity, rapid strength development, resistance to physical and environmental influences, non-deficit and cheap ingredients of aerated concrete. Modern production is oriented on the production of effective materials using technologies that would provide minimum consumption of raw materials, energy, and the use of secondary resources. Gypsum binders of β-modification occupy a special place in this category of building materials due to low energy intensity and wide prevalence of raw materials.

The choice of compositions of non-autoclaved aerated concretes have been argumentated, which provides creation of optimum microstructure of the material, reduction of macroporosity and increase of crack resistance, strengthening of contact zones of cement paste and fillers due to the directed application of effective chemical modifiers and high-quality raw materials, the use of highly dispersed silicon containing materials with high hydraulic activity.

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