Principles of formation of investment program of enterprise modernization

Received: October 20, 2016
Accepted: October 20, 2016
Lviv Polytechnik National University

This article summarizes the approaches to the formation of the modernization program of domestic enterprises in the deepening integration of Ukraine and the EU. Modernization should be part of strategic investment policy of the enterprise, which should promote the long-term investment objectives of its complex socio-economic development. It is shown that the investment program has a functional nature, is part of the financial strategy, subject to the overall business strategy. Grounded provisions to reduce the risk of innovative projects should improve the accuracy of the analytical rationale when deciding on the feasibility of the project. Indicated that factors such as the speed of technological progress, fluctuations in market conditions, volatility forms of regulation of investment companies and many other negative effect investment companies. To ensure the development of the enterprise requires consistent implementation of the following algorithm of actions: the need for modernization - investment activity - realization of investments - enterprise reform - diffusion changes - growth. The spectrum of the ultimate goals of modernization, developed a set of common criteria for additional conditions. Developed a list of recommendations on formation of investment program of modernization of enterprises. First, you need to make the fullest possible use of investments to modernize the enterprise. Second, the investment program of modernization should be consistent with the provisions of the basic preconditions its development. Thirdly, technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises should be based on the results of a comparative analysis of existing technologies and their advanced components. The success of modernization depends on the efficiency of integration careful analysis and predictive thinking, because most advisable to invest in the strategic development of the industrial enterprise, not the current needs.

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