In work, a web application was designed and developed to support interaction between members of different households regarding the disposal of household waste and the sale of used goods on the secondary market. To minimize the negative human impact on the environment, the developed information system to support household waste disposal is based on the principles of a circular economy, where all available resources are reusable, goods to recycle, and in general, the level of consumption is reduced. The need to form the average consumer’s interest in finding a target audience for the distribution process on the secondary market of used goods is substantiated. The main distinguishing feature of the web application is providing consumers with an electronic platform that would provide an opportunity to successfully realize the need for sorted garbage (household waste, recyclables, etc.) with economic benefits for all participants of the interaction. As a result of the task, we carried out an analysis of knowledge in the direction of household waste disposal and existing applications to support circular economy processes. According to the compiled requirements specification, we used the TypeScript programming language, the React library, the SASS scripting metalanguage, and the MVC architecture. To ensure the correct operation of the service, manual, modular and automated testing was carried out. The developed software product has a simple interface. It is easy to use for every user who has access to the Internet and a desire to obtain additional resources in the difficult time of Ukraine’s military economy.
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