The main ways of interaction between Services and Activities in Android are described in the article. Advantages and disadvantages of each approach are described. The situations where a particular approach is most appropriate are dealt with
1. Activities[Electronic Resource]:[site]// Official documentation.- Mode of access : URL: Title from the screen.- Last access:10.09.2014.
2. Android Services — Tutorial[Electronic Resource]:[site].- Mode of access : URL: Title from the screen.- Last access:10.09.2014.
3. Services[Electronic Resource]:[site]// Official documentation.- Mode of access : URL: Title from the screen.- Last access:10.09.2014.
4. Göransson Anders. Efficient Android Threading / Anders Göransson.- Sebastopol:O’Reilly Media, 2014.- 260 p.- ISBN: 978-1-449-36413-7
5. Application Fundamentals[Electronic Resource]:[site]// Official documentation.- Mode of access : URL: Title from the screen.- Last access:10.09.2014.
6. LocalBroadcastManager[Electronic Resource]:[site]// Official documentation.- Mode of access: URL: Title from the screen.- Last access:10.09.2014.
7. Activity and Service communication[Electronic Resource]:[videolecture]// Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures: Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems.- Mode of access: URL: Title from the screen.- Last access:13.09.2014.
8. Using LocalBroadcastManager in Service to Activity Communications[Electronic Resource]:[site].- Mode of access: URL: Title from the screen.- Last access:13.09.2014.