Information management system of academic journals and conferences of Lviv Polytechnic

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Running editorial board of a scientific journal or organizing an academic conference (including managing its program committee) is a complex multistage process that requires effective information Lviv Polytechnic National University Institutional Repository 22 management with application of modern information and communication technologies. These activities are usually cyclical, repeating with each new journal issue or recurring event. Regardless of the scale and theme, the main stages of information management at each iteration are:  advertising campaign: dissemination of the call for papers through all available channels including mailing lists, special web directories, social networks etc.;  accepting applications from potential authors (participants) and their materials laid out according to the previously published requirements;  review and selection of applications and papers is the most tricky of all stages including: determining competency of reviewers taking into account the conflict of interests; distributing submitted papers among reviewers using double-blind approach; making an approval or rejection decisions on each paper based on the reviews;  publication of selected materials in a collection that may have different status, be printed or digital etc. In today’s tough competition between schools and various research organizations, development and effective use of specialized integrated solutions for information management of academic journals and conferences allows one to gain a competitive edge on the global market significantly saving time and human resources. Since Lviv Polytechnic annually organizes dozens of conferences and has developed an advanced infrastructure of scientific periodicals, implementing such an information system is timely indeed. In this paper we consider the features of online journal and conference management system of Lviv Polytechnic National University built with CMS Drupal. 

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