Modern development of society places new requirements on the educational technology processes. These requirements include the development of new approaches to learning, knowledge representation techniques, teaching logic of it’s transmission and control, principles structuring educational contents disciplines and methods of use of modern e-learning, namely the development of new learning technologies. Economic sphere, at the moment, this is one of those areas that needs competent professionals at all levels. Today, the main task of professional economists – mobile, based on new knowledge, learning of new software tools which can help them in their professional activities. Discipline “Informatics” helps students organize already acquired knowledge and gain new with new approaches and innovations in presentation material. Idea of this approach is based on paradigms of modern information society. The purpose of the proposed technology training is to improve the quality and efficiency of learning the foundations of computer science by students studying economics specialties based on modern electronic media and Internet information resources. In particular, the use of presentations, videos and inserts from the media and available online – sources from the developed courses in the system Moodle. Informatics is seen as a complex, interdisciplinary science. Its complexity is due to object of study – information. Nowadays, the indisputable fact is that science has both natural and social aspects, has both fundamental and applied nature. Thus, the education technology should take account of interdisciplinary relations, the role of the these there may exercise semiotics. Through the study of the general laws of sign systems and general processes of transformation, students – economists easily enter in the world of information technology. The system of acquiring knowledge is necessary to implement using modern information technology. Since 2008, “Lviv Polytechnic” National University has started information system called “Virtual Learning Environments” (VLEs) based on the platform Moodle [5]. VLEs gives the opportunity to apply knowledge to students in an accessible form, simultaneously providing dynamic and interactivity, and effectively organize independent work. Moodle is useful as a means of communication of teacher and students, regardless of form. VLEs allows you to quickly “bring” to the student lecture materials, instructions for laboratory work, current ratings, news and announcements, respond to student issues, manage the unique educational projects, including virtual cases, team competitions, and more. Additional visualization of the educational process is use of audio and video resources in Moodle. Introduction of new technologies in the educational process allows to organize and make more qualitative study discipline. Significant role in the educational process plays a deliberate and controlled self-study of student who can learn in a comfortable place on an individual schedule, having access to teaching materials. Multimedia technology – one of the most promising areas of educational informatization process, creating favorable conditions for the formation of professional competencies using powerful educational resources. Prospects for a successful application of modern information technology in education are: improving technology education by studying general regularities of sign systems and general processes of transformation, software and methodological support, material resources and professional development of teaching staff.
1. The site of Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-CS) [electronic resource] .– Access:
2. The site of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) [electronic resource]. – Access:
3.Uylson RA Psychology evolution. – K.: Janus, 1999. – 352 c.
4. Site of the United Nations. Group on the Information Society (United Nations Group on the Information Society, UNGIS) [electronic resource]. – Access:
5. The official website LMS Moodle [electronic resource] .– Access:
6. Site Ukrainian community of users Moodle [electronic resource]. – Access:
7.Stvorennya e-learning courses in a virtual learning environment Lviv Polytechnic: Manual / Ed.: D. Fedasyuk, LD Ozirkovskyy, VM Yakubenko. – Lviv: Izd Nat. Univ “Lviv Polytechnic”, 2009. – 60 p.
8. demonstration Moodle [electronic resource]0. – Access: