The development of cooperation between enterprises and universities in the field of information technol- ogies (IT) is essential for fostering innovation, bridging the skills gap, and enhancing economic growth. The use of information technology is an integral part of the functioning of modern enterprises, and the demand for IT products is constantly growing. Skillful use of modern technologies allows businesses to solve a number of chal- lenges they face worldwide. Data security and protection, automated monitoring systems, artificial intelligence, and cloud technologies are already being actively used by enterprises in the European Union and the United
States. At the same time, the development and implementation of information technologies require an increasing number of IT specialists. Businesses are increasingly relying on external IT service providers to support their information systems and digital innovations. Therefore, it is crucial to support IT enterprises in Ukraine and promote their expansion into the European market.
To solve the assigned tasks, a system of general scientific research methods was used. The study applied methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as grouping (to generalize the services required by enterprises). The clarity of the results was ensured by the graphical method, and the conclusions of the study were formed using methods of a systematic approach and generalization.The informational basis of the research included legal regulations, international expert studies, and scientific works of domestic and foreign scholars in the field of information technology.
The article highlights the increasing global demand for IT products, with businesses showing a strong inclination to invest in innovative solutions. While IT services spending is projected to grow by 7.1% in 2024, this marks a decrease from the earlier forecast of 9.7%, partly attributed to reduced spending in areas like consulting and business process services. It was found that сommunication and IT services are the most in de- mand among enterprises.Іn the context of globalization and digital transformation, investing in the IT sector is a strategic move for Ukraine, which will not only strengthen the country's economic position on the global stage but also ensure sustainable long-term development.
The findings of this research will be valuable for government programs, local authorities, and other stake- holders engaged in IT business.
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