
Some Aspects of the Legal Regulation of Foreign Economic Activities on the Basis of the Association Agreement with the European Union

Abstract. The article highlights the relevance and necessity of reforms in the field of foreign economic activity, which is closely related to the legal regulation of services. The article analyzes in detail the existing concepts of legal regulation of services and emphasizes the differences between tangible and intangible services, their legal classification and specificity in the context of foreign economic activity.

Моделювання туристичних потоків з використанням мурашиних алгоритмів

Запропоновано рекомендації щодо моделювання туристичних потоків з використанням мурашиних алгоритмів.

The recommendation for the modelling of tourist streams with the use of ant algorithms is presented.

Municipal administrative services as a specific activity of local self-government bodies

This article examines theoretical elaborations of the concepts “service”, “public service”, “municipality”, “municipal service” and “administrative service”. The article identifies features of administrative services and peculiarities of their provision by local self-government bodies. The concept “municipal administrative service” is defined.

Description of court-book-keeping examination

In the article a concept and maintenance of court-book-keeping are certain examination
in the field of economic activity. The scientific concepts ofcourt-book-keeping examination are
investigational. An object and objects of research court-book-keeping examination are certain.
Basic tasks are outlined and a list over of questionsis brought that belong to the expertaccountant
for their decision. Methods and methods of realization of court-book-keeping
examination are described.

Description of commodity judicial-expert examination of commodities of folk consumption

In the article a concept and maintenance are certain commodity judicial-expert examination of commodities of folk consumption and services. Scientific looks are described to the concept of commodity judicial-expert examination of commodities of folk consumption and services. The basic objects of commodity judicial-expert examination are certain. The basic tasks of commodity judicial-expert examination of commodities of folk consumption and services are outlined.

Organization of planning of investigation of crimes that is accomplished during public purchases in the field of health protection

A concept and essence of planning of investigation of crimes that is accomplished during
public purchases in the field of health protection are considered. The basic elements of
planning, that is represented on the basis of inquisitional version, are outlined. Inquisitional
(to the search) actions, that not-roundabout to plan on the initial stage investigation of crimes
that is accomplished during public purchases in the field of health protection, are certain.

Providing administrative services Ukraine interior ministry and National police

The article investigates the general principles of legal regulation of administrative services in Ukraine. The concept and types of administrative services. Analyzed the regulations and scientific publications appear in periodicals, mass media and the Internet, covering some issues of administrative services by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police. We consider the operation of the service centers of MIA of Ukraine. The possible directions of improving the quality of administrative services.

Сriminalistics description of crimes that is accomplished during public purchases in the field of health protection

A concept and maintenance of criminalistics description of crimes are considered during realization of public purchases in the field of health protection. The separate methods of committing crime are outlined at the purchase of remedies by the representatives of health protection. The separate crime actions of public servants are certain during the public purchases of remedies, medical commodities and implementation of works and services in the field of health protection.

Тhe use of credit agreement financial public services lombardi ukraine

The article discusses the use of the financial contracts in the provision of publicservices by the pawnshops in Ukraine. Based on analysis of current legislation and scientific works the author summarized the deficiencies and gaps of legal regulation of activity of pawnshops. It has been made the analysis of the financial contracts practice in the provision of public services by the pawnshops in Ukraine.

Features of realization of public purchases of commodities, works at services in the field of health protection

Essence of public purchases of remedies, medical commodities is considered. Legal frameworks of purchase of remedies are outlined by the representatives of health protection. The order of realization of electronic торгов and establishment of the agreed price is certain.