

The ability of polymers and composites on their basis to be processed in the viscous fluid state, the choice of rational methods and technological parameters of the processes of processing are largely determined by their technological properties.

Розрахунок за деформаційною моделлю залізобетонних колон, підсилених вуглецевою стрічкою

In this paper for calculation of reinforced concrete columns strengthened with carbon laminate with suggestions based on the method of calculation according to the recommendations NIISK and Sika on the basis of deformation model calculation according to regulations . To determine the additional eccentricity introduced by bending flexibility factor, which is derived using in Eurocode 2. The algorithm for calculating strengthened at the primary level loading columns.

Вплив магнію гідросилікату на надмолекулярну структуру поліпропілену

The essential effect of the nature and the content of the fine-grained modified polyvinylpyrrolidone magnesium hydrosilicate on the degree of crystallinity and crystallite sizes of polypropylene was established. This effect is caused by the change in the structural formations at the phases interface and by the nature of intermolecular interactions. Fine-grained particles of the modified magnesium hydrosilicate act as the additional centers of crystallization within the polymer composite material. 

Smart conductive inks

A novel conductive ink, suitable for employment in a pressure-sensitive automatic system, was prepared and characterized via scanning electron microscopy, FTIR and differential scanning calorimetry. The ink was obtained as a composite by mixing a solution of ethyl acrylate-methyl acrylate (50/50 ratio) copolymer and carbon black and graphite into a solvent standard for acrylic polymers. The ink average electrical resistance ranges from 40 ohms/cm to 150 ohms/cm.

Properties of Multifunctional Polymers – Carbon Black Composite Vapor Detectors

In this work the electrical properties of vapor detectors, formed from composites of conductive carbon-black and insulating organic multifunctional polymers having metal ions complexing ability, were investigated. The new composites are tailored to produce increased sensitivity toward specific classes of analyte vapors. Resonant frequency shift of a Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) and dc resistance measurements have been also performed simultaneously on polymer-carbon black composite materials.

Polymer Based Composites with Interpenetrating Networks Structure

Preparation and properties of composites consisting of two continuous interpenetrating phases, at least one of them is the polymer phase, are presented. Three different kinds of such composites are discussed: polymer-polymer (PVC-PMMA), polymer-mineral (PMMA-gypsum) and polymer-metal (PVC-Wood alloy). Composites were prepared by filling the porous matrix made of one component with other component in the liquid state which was then solidified by polymerization (PMMA) or cooling (Wood alloy). The obtained composites were characterized mainly by mechanical testing, e.g.

Influence of the Silicate Modifier Nature on the Structure and Properties of Polycaproamide

The influence of the nature and amount of the nanosized polyvinylpyrrolidone silicate modifier obtained as a result of the combined sol-gel transition on the supramolecular structure, as well as physical, mechanical and thermo-physical properties of polycaproamide has been determined. The modifier has proved to significantly increase the degree of crystallinity of polymer, and thus tensile strength at break, surface hardness and thermal resistance of a composite.

PbO2 Based Composite Materials Deposited from Suspension Electrolytes : Electrosynthesis, Physico-Chemical and Electrochemical Properties

Composite materials based on PbO2 containing TiO2 or ZrO2 were prepared from electrolytes containing a suspension of TiO2 or ZrO2. The contents of foreign oxides in the composite depend on the electrolyte composition and conditions of deposition. When a dispersed phase is incorporated into the composite coating, the dimensions of lead dioxide crystals decrease to submicro- and nano-size. Physico-chemical properties and electrocatalytic activity of composite materials are mainly determined by their chemical composition.

Regularities of Obtaining, Morphology and Properties of Metal-Containing Polymer-Silicate Materials and Polyester Composites on their Basis

The effect of the kind, concentration and introduction method of polymeric modifiers (polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinylpyrrolidone), as well as the kind of metal chloride on the physico-chemical regularities of the obtaining process of modified metal-containing polymer-silicate materials, their morphology and properties has been examined. Using instrumental methods of investigations it was established that obtaining of metal-containing polymer-silicate materials was accompanied by intermolecular interactions between active silicate groups and functional groups of a polymeric modifier.