
Synthesis of Copolymer from 1,3,5-Trioxane and ε-Caprolactone Catalysed by Treated Bentonite as Eco-Catalyst

This study presents a novel green method for copolymerizing 1,3,5-trioxane (TOX) with ε caprolactone (CL). This technique uses Maghnite-H+ (Mag-H+) as a bulk green catalyst. Various techniques were used to confirm the structure of the resulting copolymer. The influencing factors on the copolymerization reaction were also studied. The results show that the best copolymer yield (46.3 %) was obtained via bulk copolymerization at a temperature of 353 K for a reaction time of 8 h.

Національний університет “Львівська Політехніка”, кафедра органічної хімії

The cross linked polyesters based on glutamic acid, glycerol and oxyethylene and oxypropylene alcohols were received. It was shown that those polyesters are able to form stabilized dispersion with microsized particles. Отримано перехресно зшиті поліестери на основі глутамінової кислоти, гліцерину та спиртів оксиетиленового та оксипропіленового ряду. Показано що такі поліестери здатні формувати стабільну дисперсію з частинками мікронного розміру

Kinetic model of photoinitiated copolymerization of monofunctional monomers till high conversions

Regularities of kinetics of photoinitiated copolymerization till high conversions in the systems of monofunctional methacrylate comonomers (hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), glycidyl methacrylate (GMA)) have been investigated by laser interferometry in a wide range of experimental factors (molar ratio of comonomers, photoinitiator concentration, intensity of UV-irradiation). Kinetic model of photoinitiated copolymerization of methacrylates till high conversions has been proposed on the basis of microheterogeneity conception of the polymerization process.

Synthesis and Characterization of Oligoisoprene obtained in Allyl Alcohol Solution in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide

The cooligomers of isoprene and allyl alcohol under the action of hydrogen peroxide have been synthesized. Using a solvent of variable composition isopropyl alcohol–allyl alcohol showed that the cooligomer yield doesn’t depend on a ratio of solvent composition. Polymerization of allyl alcohol itself doesn’t take place. The determination of molar weights and hydroxyl group contents in the cooligomers obtained in both alcohols showed that the cooligomer obtained in the allyl alcohol has an increased functionality 3.5 against 2 in single isopropyl alcohols

Peculiarities of Peroxide-Containing Reactive Copolymers Synthesis

This work deals with the study of radical copolymerization of higher esters of (meth)acrylic acid with peroxide monomer, 5-tert-butylperoxy-5-methyl-2-hexene-3-yne showing the properties of a weak inhibitor. Due to the mentioned and other features of investigated process, the composition of obtained copolymer cannot be adequately described with known Mayo-Lewis and Scaits equations. The analysis of kinetic data has allowed to propose differential equation of copolymer composition for investigated systems. A technique of quasi-stationary concentrations was not used during its derivation.

The Role of FeSO4 in the Obtaining of Polyvinylpirrolidone Copolymers

The proceeding of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate grafted polymerization on polyvinylpirrolidone has been examined in the presence of ferrum(II) sulfate. It was observed the formation of crosslinked copolymer capable to be used as a matrix for metal chemical reduction and for metal hydrogel composites obtaining. The effect of Fen+ structure and concentration on the structural parameters of the polymeric network, copolymers composition, efficiency and degree of grafting has been determined.

Copolymerization of Peroxy Derivatives of Dioxydiphenylpropane Diglycidyl Ether Monomethacrylate with Styrene

The copolymerization reaction of peroxy derivatives of dioxydiphenylpropane diglycidyl ether monomethacrylate with styrene has been studied at 333 K in the medium of toluene using azo-bis-isobutyric acid dinitrile as an initiator at different molar ratio of the initial monomers. The reaction rates have been determined and copolymerization constants have been calculated. The structure of the synthesized copolymers was confirmed by chemical and IR-spectroscopic analyses