
The essence of the concepts of tourism, tourist and tourist cluster

The article is devoted to the study of the concept’s “tourist”, “tourism”, “tourist service”, “tourist product” and “tourist cluster”. The analysis of the legislation of Ukraine, which regulates tourist relations, was carried out, in particular, regarding the definition of the essence of the concepts “tourism”, “tourist”, “tourist product” and their comparison with the interpretation and understanding in economic thought and statistics.

Organisational and legal aspects of the functioning of the polish tourism organisation

            Abstract. The article aims to outline the organisational and legal aspects that determine the framework of the functioning of the Polish Tourism Organisation (PTO). The analysed organisation is an example of a state legal person whose main task is strengthening Poland's promotional activity in tourism at home and abroad. Its activities are based on the Act of 25 June 1999 by the Polish Tourism Organisation. The author decided to analyse selected provisions of the distinguished legal act and to confront them with other documents that fall within the scope of the discussion.

3d model of Medova cave, Lviv

The purpose of this article is to present and provide a detailed analysis of the 3D model of the Medova Cave in Lviv, created using laser scanning technology. The main objectives include revealing the accuracy and detailing the obtained model, as well as determining its potential applications in various fields such as geological research, scientific exploration, cultural heritage, and tourism.

Domestic and Foreign Experience of Event Management Establishment and Development

The articles study domestic and foreign experience on the peculiarities of the formation and development of event management and event industry in general. Peculiarities of the historical perspective of event management development are considered. The state of the world inventory market is characterized and a comparative analysis with its state in the domestic territory is carried out. The change of the inventory industry under the influence of COVID-19 is investigated.

Gis technologies products for increasing the tourist attractiveness of the destination (on the example of the Chernigiv region)

Analyzing GIS technologies` products for strengthening the tourist attractiveness of the destination and research of possibilities of GIS-technologies at the formation of a tourist product is the purpose of this work. The relevance of this study lies in the need to apply innovative approaches to GIS technologies` usages in the development of national tourism products. The research methodology is based on the application of the statistical method of data processing, the cartographic method of research with the use of GIS, and the method of spatial analysis.


The article presents the definition of key terms distinguished and used in the field of vacation, leisure, and recreation, and explains differences between them. The terms of "tourism" and "recreation" are similar in their meaning as many sources treat them as synonyms. However, the concept of "recreation" is much broader because it includes all types of individual’s activities in their free time from work spent outside their homes.


The article reveals the meaning of "tourism" and presents the classification of its varieties. The tourist flows and tourism competitiveness index of Ukraine are analyzed in this research.  The most attractive types of modern tourism and its issues are considered by the authors. The main obstacles of the tourist business in Ukraine and possible ways how to solve them are outlined. Much attention is paid to the essential types of tourism activities that contribute to its further development and characterize the problems of modern tourism in Ukraine.

Current state of administrative and legal regulation of domestic tourism industry

The article is devoted to the research of the current state of administrative-legal regulation
of the domestic tourism industry, since it is one of the key components of the whole set of diverse
farms. It is closely linked to the development of the whole economic policy of a particular state, and
therefore deserves state and international support no less than other branches.

Some questions of the tourism activity regulation in Ukraine

The article outlines the problems that exist in the tourism industry. The main problems
in the modern system of organization of tourism in Ukraine are as follows: lack of an extensive
system of information support activities of the industry; insufficiently effective use of the
Internet to inform tourists; low quality tourist services; insufficient organizational provision of
tourists at crossing borders; low level of advertising on tourist activities and the presence of
violations in the provision of services to tourists.

Забезпечення безпеки у сфері туризму: адміністративно-правовий вимір

Стаття присвячена дослідженню адміністративно-правового забезпечення безпеки
у сфері туризму, що наприкінці ХХ ст. – початку ХХІ ст. набув важливого значення для
особи, суспільства і держави, оскільки туристичні поїздки, передусім, пов’язані з
реалізацією права людини на відпочинок і дозвілля, свободу пересування, права на
доступ до культурних цінностей, а також інших загальновизнаних прав і свобод людини
і громадянина. Натомість, туризм виконує важливі культурні, екологічні, економічні,
соціальні, міжнародні та низку інших функцій.