кримінальна відповідальність

System and Conditions of Criminal Punishment for Juveniles

In the modern law enforcement process, special attention is paid to the criminal liability of minors. This is due to the need to ensure their rights and interests, as well as to promote their correction and social rehabilitation. This research article examines the system of criminal sentencing for minors. The author analyzes the legislation, practice and principles that determine the conditions of criminal punishment for this category of persons.

Criminal liability for evasion of payment of taxes, fees (mandatory payments): a modern view of the problem

The article analyses the theoretical and legal aspects of criminal liability for evasion of taxes and fees (mandatory payments) in the current context. In particular, the authors analyse the concept and features of criminal liability, as well as the grounds for its occurrence.

Criminal liability for domestic violence

The peculiarities of criminal liability for domestic violence are considered. It was noted that in many countries, for a long time, violence in the family was not considered a crime, but was considered a form of appropriate behavior. In the 90s of the last century, views regarding the phenomenon of violence against women, which was recognized as a socio-gender problem, changed radically, during which a new vision of it was opened in terms of gender law.

Problems of determining the concept “Criminal legal qualification”

The issue of defining the concept of "criminal legal qualification" was considered. It is noted that in order to regulate the most important social relations, the state adopts laws that establish generally accepted rules of behavior. The law on criminal liability is one of the important means of protecting life, health, honor, dignity, inviolability and security of a person as the highest social value, the state system of Ukraine, its political and economic systems, property and the entire legal order from criminal encroachments and a means of combating them.

Problems of prosecuting criminal responsibility for treason in the conditions of war in Ukraine

The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation created new problems related to treason. The issue of treason is relevant in today's conditions, because it always remains a place for ensuring national security, sovereignty and inviolability of the state. Treason is a serious criminal activity that can bring colossal consequences for the future state.

Domestic violence: criminal-legal aspect

The issue of the criminal-legal aspect of domestic violence is considered. It was noted that in many countries, for a long time, violence in the family was not considered a crime, but was considered a form of appropriate behavior. In the 90s of the last century, views on the phenomenon of violence against women, which was recognized as a socio-gender problem, changed radically, during which a new vision of it was opened in terms of gender law. Therefore, the issue of gender balance and combating discrimination based on sex has gained wide popularity in all developed countries of the world.

On the question of the model of criminalization of actions

The article is devoted to the analysis of the main models of criminalization of acts.

Based on the principles and grounds of criminalization (decriminalization), the legislature creates a new criminal law (or, conversely, changes or repeals the existing one). At the same time, preliminary models of the new norm are being developed, which must meet different, sometimes contradictory requirements.

Financial and legal component of legal liability system in the field of investment activity

The current system of liability in the field of investment activity is considered in the article. It is proved that the legal institute of liability is an obligatory element of the mechanism of legal regulation of investment relations, as it directs the actions of all subjects of investment activity to lawful behavior.