
Accounting and Analytical Support for Formation of Enterprise Economic Security Costs and Their Controlling Process

The article reveals the interdependence of enterprise property preservation and quality of information for ensuring management and controlling processes efficiency. The dependence of economic security on qualitatively-formed accounting and analytical support for such purposes is substantiated. It is analyzed the enterprise’s activities in terms of economic security formation by rational costs, in particular the influence of spent financial resources on employees’ physical and moral security, formation of intellectual property, etc.

Model of development and state regulation of activity of higher educational institution (HEI): using experience in management of leading hei of East Asia

The article studies the positive experience of leading universities in East Asia. The article analyzed the management of the National University of Singapore, which belongs to the strongest higher education in several areas. The University is known as a leading research center in the world, experienced educational institution, which attracts the best students from around the world. Emphasized the high quality of educational services of the University, provided a number of effective factors combine to guarantee obtaining a student in-depth knowledge of the chosen professional direction.

Economic evaluation of administration systems in the context of management business processes reengineering

The article deals with the peculiarities of an economic evaluation of administrative systems in the context of management business processes reengineering. In particular, methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of such systems are described and characterized. It is concluded that under present conditions most of the projects on construction or improvement of administrative systems belong to the category of investment projects, which, accordingly, are related to investment costs.


The article presents the approach to the formation of effective management teams, taking into account the complex review of tasks that appear in front of the organization. The development of the modern economy marked the structural changes in which knowledge became the main driving force, and therefore the requirements for organizing managerial labour increased significantly. The path of scientific search for methods of building rational organizational structures lies in the plan of studying the human factor in the field of managerial decision making.


Managing the effectiveness of the organization is one of the main functions of the professional activities of the newest Ukrainian managers. Managing the effectiveness of the organization is a continuous process that logically covers the actions and procedures of the linear manager in a single chain according to the logic of meaningful activity: from the formulation of goals to control the achieved results. The main consequence of the evolution of performance management over the last decade is to focus not only on goals but also on means.

Management information and communication areas in the formation of ukrainian society

Article plays the role of information and communications management sphere Ukrainian society in the context of the formation and development of political, economic, social, scientific, technological and information-communication spheres of public life in Ukraine. Theoretical and conceptual and practical approaches to managing the development of information and communication spheres of society.

Thoretical and methodological positions of management of tolling operations at enterprises

For managers of enterprises, that realize tolling operations, an important task is to develop and implement the effective management mechanism of such type of operations to achieve the set goals in this area. It raises the need in compliance with uniform principles of management of tolling operations by both contractors of such interaction to establish mutually beneficial cooperation and avoid the conflicts of interests.

Analysis of financial stability of enterprises and directions of its providing

The article is sanctified to research of economic essence and methodical bases of estimation of financial stability, theoretical aspects of influence of factors on providing of financial stability o fenterprise structures. In the article existent methodologies of analysis of financial stability of enterprise are considered. Application of indexes of financial stability as basic indicator of financial prosperity of enterprise is reasonabled. Basic tasks to the analysis of financial stability of enterprise and system of factor that influence on the financial state are outlined.

Розподіл обмежених ресурсів в управлінні проектами

In the article are analyzed and described basic models and methods of division limited resources in a management projects. The methods of division limited resources are considered with application of the calendar planning, priorities, and competitions. The basic methods of division limited resources are also considered between the projects of brief-case of projects.


The mechanism of diagnosing the economic decisions making of business entities is
developed and justified. Based on research of theoretical provisions, authors proved economic
decision making is determining condition of economic activity and require delement of the
process of realizing the physical impact on resources through the transformation of which such
activityis carried out. Economic decisions are made directly by business entity that carries out
the activity, independently conducts economic operations, enters into contractual, property