sustainable development

Modernization of the food industry in the context of sustainable development of Ukraine: public-management aspect


Problem setting. The food industry of Ukraine holds a unique position among other industries, as it is one of the backbone elements of the national economy, is in the top five industries in terms of filling the state budget, ranks second in terms of production in the structure of industrial production in Ukraine, providing one of the highest growth rates of production volumes among other sectors of the economy.


The Vyacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, like every newly created unit (in 2021 the ICT celebrated its 10th anniversary), is in the process of development and growth: new specialties have been licensed, laboratories have been established, international cooperation is developing and the number of students is growing.The peculiarity of the institute is that it is multidisciplinary.

The social and ecological factors of sustainable development of national economy

The social and ecological factors of sustainable development concept, connection of economic growth with social development are studied. The major social and ecological problems of the transition of the national economy of Ukraine on the principles of sustainable development are analysed.

Forecasting indicators of sustainable development of Ukraine

The article proposes approaches and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of state regulation of sustainable development. The indicators of sustainable development of Ukraine according to world ratings are investigated. Forecast of indicators of sustainable development for the next three years is carried out. The influence of each individual indicator on sustainable development of Ukraine is determined.

The main components of the mechanism of state regulation of sustainable development of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine

Problem setting. One of the most pressing issues of the development of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine, the discussion about which has been going on for many years, is the question of the size, forms and directions of state intervention in the activities of individual industries and sub-sectors of the complex, as well as the assessment of the consequences of this intervention for the economy and society as a whole.

Implementation of Circular Economy on the Basis of European Experience

Accelerated population growth, depletion of natural resources, excessive pollution of the environment, which threatens the existence of mankind, was a prerequisite for the emergence of the concept of circular economy and the principles of sustainable development, ie doing business without harm to the environment. The model of circular (circular) economy is aimed at energy saving, regenerative environmentally friendly consumption and production.

The Role of the Customs System in Ensuring EU Competitiveness in Conditions of Sustainable Development

At the present stage, there is a problem of ensuring the sustainable development at all levels. The United Nations has declared 17 Global Goals that must be realized by subjects of mega-, macro-, meso- and microlevels, including customs authorities. In the context of European integration, an important task for Ukraine is to increase competitiveness following the example of successful European states. At the same time, the competitiveness of the country is a multifaceted and multidimensional concept that is influenced by numerous environmental factors.


Sustainable development of Stebnyk Mining Industrial Area (MIA) is due to low subsoil use culture, negative impact of mining activities on the environment. Potential danger in the  territory of influence of the enterprise is created by underground mine workings which are the centers of formation of karsts, and
also a tailings dam. Therefore, the development and application of phytomelioration technologies of the tailings pond to stabilize the environmental situation is relevant.