
The Principle of Self-Reliance and the Concept of Spiritual Laws in the Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson

The author considers the combination of the concept of spiritual laws and the principle of self-reliance in the philosophy of American transcendentalist R. W. Emerson. This analysis reveals the meaning of such combination and the relationship between freedom of creativity and spiritual laws, culminating in a fusion of individualism and holistic principles in R. W. Emerson's philosophy.

Використання генетичних алгоритмів для апроксимації функцій дійсними поліномами

Наведено метод апроксимації функцій поліномами з дійсними степенями, в якому підбір степеня здійснюється за допомогою генетичного алгоритму.

The method of approximation of functions by polynomials with real powers, which is the power of selection with a genetic algorithm.

Human rights in the context of the postomoderial legal review

Natural-legal  concepts  characterize  human  rights  as  the  manifestation  of  the  values  of 
human  existence  and  the manifestation  of  objective  needs. However,  one  should  not ignore  the 
fact  that  the  understanding  of  the  genesis  and  essence  of  human  rights  was  evaluated 
extensively  on  the  basis  of  two  anti-ethical  positions,  and  positivist  approach  to  the 
understanding  of  human  rights  was  a  certain  antipode.  Under  the  conditions  of  the  legitimate 

Рhilosophical and legal smyslozmistovnoho measurement problem deviant consciousness

The article is devoted to one of the main problems of philosophy of law, namely the phenomenon of deviant minds, including its smyslozmistovniy essence. The attention is focused on solving the fundamental problem of social science: the study of the meaning and content of the factors that motivate people to deviant minds. The author analyzes the determinants that influence the formation of deviant consciousness and its manifestations.

Genesis of personality in the light of philosophical and legal determinants

In the article the one of the main problems of philosophy of law, namely the formation of personality in the context of a combination of social and individual in this institution. The purpose of this article is to focus on solving the fundamental problem of social science: identity formation in the light of philosophical and legal determinants. A correlation between individual and social factors of personality and the formation of man as a full member of society.

Problem human existence: civilization-legal approach

On the basis of civilized approach thoroughly analyzed the question of human existence. The approach to solve the problem of being human integrity enables the enigma of this issue: the question of meaning and value of human existence, uniqueness and essence of human nature and definition of inner peace in it. Vyzna¬cheno relevant aspects of the integrity of the individual, analyzed and clarified the concept of integrity of human existence in the psychological, anthropological and philosophical and legal contexts.

Formetive, historical and philosophical review

In the article the process of identity formation in historical and philosophical context, the evolution of establishment and development of socio-natural and legal determinant of human beings. Analyzed the phenomenon of individual rights and as an object of reflection philosophical and legal, historical and philosophical science

The idea of “individuality”: philosophical and legal concept

In the article the essence of the definition of “identity” as a complex multi-faceted and multi-level structure, the meaning of which depends not only on the wealth of natural its premises, but also the depth and breadth of its entry into the mechanism of public relations, as well as the degree of social activity, reflecting sub of the object as individual. The researcher examined the defining idea of “individuality” in the philosophical and legal terms, the proposed methodological concept on the designated problems.

Legal socialization at the present stage of development of legal science

The article deals with the problem of legal socialization. Indicate the role and importance of legal socialization in the current development of legal science. It is shown that the more socialized man, the more it reveals its ability to be the main productive force of society, the more it is able to understand the natural environment, law, state and society as a whole system.