
The civil society as a philosophical and legal category: approaches to understanding

The article identifies the main approaches to understanding civil society as a philosophical and legal category, which allowed to show pluralism of this definition. The author analyzes the conceptual foundations of civil society in the history of philosophical and  legal discourse. It is substantiated that the invariant content of the concept of civil society remained the ideas of freedom, equality, justice, social values and virtues. It is emphasized that modern civil society is a guarantee of democratization and needs proper legal support in the context of globalization challenges.

Pamfil Yurkevych on the natural law as a regulator of just social relations (Review Article)

In the context of the modern traditionalist intellectual movement, the idea of organic society is considered. It is a combination of law and morality at the community level. Yurkevych regarded the basis of such a society to be the idea of justice and natural law associated with it, as evidenced by the legacy of Hugo Grotius. Natural law as interpreted by Yurkevych is the content of positive legislation in a just society. Natural law as a regulator of just society, as Yurkevych saw it, is still relevant in the context of a new modern cultural trend.

Globalization in the legal plane: forming contour “global law”

This article analyzes globalization in the legal plane. Particular attention is paid to the impact of globalization on the interaction of international, European and national law. Separately, an analysis of different dialogue courts of law and order in terms of reasoning their decisions. The conclusions about the formation of a global international rule of law, strengthening regional (supranational) law, the impact of globalization on justice.

Differentiation justice philosophy and philosophy of justice

Article updated two concepts in their philosophical and legal distinction between “justice” and “justice” that cause at most controversial debates among theorists and practitioners. To this end, the theoretical argument Review eminent scientists, constitutional provisions on justice and justice for the installation of modern approaches to the interpretation of these concepts, their significant semantic differences.

The legal status of the system of ukrainian courts as the subjects of jurisdictional relations

The article pays attention to crucial aspects of the amendments of the Constitution of Ukraine (concerning justice) in the context of the court system authority. It determines positive and negative approaches in the course of implementation of judicial reform. The article analyses the ways of improvement of constitutional novelties regarding each subject in particular.

On the jury for criminal procedural legislation of ukraine

The article is devoted to theoretical and practical problems of people’s participation in implementation of justice in Ukraine.
The development of a jury in Ukraine as a form of popular participation in the administration of justice in the context of continental (European) and Anglo-Saxon legal systems.

Legal awareness and its impact on human behavior

The article deals with theoretical analysis of the concept of “justice”, described the essence of this concept in terms of different philosophical schools. Thesis there is determined a key element of justice in rehulyatyvnomu impact on human behavior. Dependence direction of human behavior on its conscience. It was shown determinants of formation of lawful behavior.

Legal a wareness and legal culture as a factor of civil society

The article analyzes the importance of legal awareness and legal culture in the development of civil society. We consider the concept and basic features of civil society characterized by justice and legal culture that influence the improvement of law on the
formation of a legal state and civil society.

Legal culture as a condition for the cultivation of the rule of law in the Ukrainian society

The article is devoted to the development of legal culture, since the scientific level of legal thinking and legal awareness provides the ideal legal personality formation that respects the legal law recognizes his supremacy in whole spheres of life,the iraction ssupporting the rule of law in Ukraine.

Legal knowledge: anthropological discourse

The article analyzes the legal knowledge as a legal category that reflects the process, while the result of a focused knowledge of law. We consider the epistemological aspect of thinking that opens in a conscious effort to create the entity and identify their attitude to the law in a particular behavior and activity. DONE general theoretical analysis of the conceptual foundations of legal knowledge of the methodology, described the basic scientific methods the nature and features of this complex legal