
Cooperation of subdivisions of law enforcement authorities of Ukraine is in counteraction of contraband goods of narcotic facilities: theoretical and applied aspects

In the article a concept and maintenance of co-operation of law enforcement authorities are exposed in counteraction to contraband goods of narcotic facilities. Features and modern tendencies of criminality, that induce law enforcement authorities to realization of cooperation, are certain. Basic principles and forms of cooperation of law enforcement authorities are outlined in counteraction to contraband goods of narcotic facilities.

Аxiological nature of law: epistemological approach

It was established that the right has all predicates values, first it is value, and consequently hierarchical, orderly, subordinated social system, function is the preservation, restoration and maintenance of the balance of social life. Secondly, since the right's value is inherently entity focused on the implementation of the above functions, it is some system “be appropriate”, and thus the system of mandatory, semantic (related content) oriented ideal entities – the norms of social and communication people.

System of conceptual principles of the national payment system of Ukraine

The article, from the position of structural analysis, deals with theoretical and applied aspects system of conceptual foundations of the national payment system. From the standpoint of financial law, the principles are analyzed – the conceptual foundations of the national payment system.

Fundamental Principles Of Architectural Internal Arrangements Of Space Of Spiritual-Retreat Centre

In this research, based on the analysis of the current experience of the architectural organization of spiritual-retreat centers, the main tendencies and requirements for interior design of these structures were discovered. The principles and recommendations for making internal arrangements of space of the spiritual-retreat centers are suggested.

Phenomena of photography in the context of the methodology of poststructuralism

The article is devoted to the philosophical analysis of important aspects of man’s being, connected with spreading of photography in the modern society. In the investigation of this subject, authors examine the usage of the Poststructuralist Methodology. The objective of the article is to define the poststructuralist methodological concepts spread in the humanitarian studies. The authors focus on several principles of poststructuralist methodology, especially on the principle of structure, the principle of differences, deconstruction, and transgression.

The genesis of the understanding of law as a fundamental principle of activity of bodies of public administration

The article investigates the fundamental principle of government – law, which provides strict and mandatory compliance with laws and regulations by all entities – public authorities, public organizations, officials and citizens, and covers all aspects of life

The principles of the electoral process in ukraine: constitutional-legal aspects

The study is devoted to a comprehensive review of the electoral process in Ukraine,
stipulated by Laws of Ukraine “On elections of President of Ukraine”, “On elections of people’s
deputies of Ukraine”, “On local elections”, the distinction between the concepts of principles, the
definition of common principles for all types of elections in Ukraine and their characteristics