human rights

International legal standards of health: to characteristics of sources

International human rights protection is one of the most important tasks of modern international law and it is related to the concept of "human rights standards". By standardizing the rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen, it is possible to recognize a particular legal system as democratic, that is, one that meets the democratic goals of human development. International legal standards in the field of health play a significant role in protecting human rights, and therefore there is a need for research.

Institute of human rights in the states of the islamic legal family

The article deals with the comparative analysis of the nature of human rights in the states of the Islamic legal family in accordance with the norms established by the western states. The peculiarities of the attitude of Muslim, Arab states to international legal acts regulating the protection of human rights are highlighted. The backwardness of Islamic theocratic states from the democratic and legal principles on human rights issues that have emerged in Europe and in the world is the main problem. The issue of human rights protection is still relevant in 2020.

Genesis of human rights development in the modern age

The article deals with the fundamental and ideological ideas of the most famous philosophers of thіs period. The historical formation of the Human Rights Institute has been explored in the far-sighted ideas of prominent thinkers. Yu. Lipsy in his writings states that natural law is a certain human right to life, which is laid by nature itself. He also devotes his attention to the mind and conscience of a person who, as a judge, is called to determine common sense acts and distinguishes them as immoral and moral.

Prohibition of language discrimination in the exercise of the right to education in the ECHR practice

The article deals with the analysis of the legal positions of the European Court of Human Rights formed in the process of hearing cases of human rights violations through language discrimination (discrimination on the basis of language) in the exercise of the right to education. On the basis of the analyzed legal positions it is possible to explain the unreasonableness of the requirements of some minority representatives to carry out the educational process exclusively in the language of the national minority, while ignoring the educational process in the state language.

The role and importance of the principles of law in the formation of modern administrative law

The article examines the role and importance of the basic principles of law in the formation of administrative law. It is noted that the most important task of the modern stage of the development of administrative law is the legal provision of the functioning of public authorities, their bodies and employees, as well as forms and methods of activity on the principles of the rule of law.

Updating the international paradigm of regulation of using drug: towards the problem

The article is devoted to analyzing the need to update the paradigm of legal regulation of drug use in the context of emerging global challenges and new generation human rights. The international framework for combating drug trafficking, in particular the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, and the United Nations Convention against Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, has been analyzed. It is pointed out that today many scholars and representatives of international NGOs deny a harsh criminal-repressive approach.

Formation of the human rights institute in the Middle ages

The article examines the worldview ideas of the most famous thinkers such as Thomas
Aquinas, Marseille Padua, and Niccolo Machiavelli, who have developed fundamental ideas of
human rights through their work, and their teaching is a great legacy for the modern world.
Thomas Aquinas paid special attention to the moral virtues of man, highlighting justice as the
most important of them. He also substantiated the basic prerequisites for the creation and
functioning of the state as a tool for the achievement of the common good and good while

Creation and development of human rights in ancient times

The article deals with some historical periods of creation, development and formation of
a human rights institute. The basic ideas of the most outstanding philosophers of this period
are investigated. From the time of Ancient Greece, the concept of human rights, which is
reflected in the philosophical thought of philosophers of this period, began to emerge. The
perception of the place of the person in state and social life has changed. Philosophers such as
Heraclitus, Plato, and Aristotle laid the cornerstones in creating this phenomenon in antiquity.

Philosophical and legal concept of the defense "civil society": modern scientific approaches

On  the  basis  of  the  latest  scientific  research,  the  philosophical  and  legal  concept  of  the 
definition  of  «civil  society»  is  thoroughly  analyzed,  Modern  approaches  to  understanding  the 
concept  are  systematized.  There  searchis  based  on  the  scholarly  views  of  prominent 
philosophers,  as  well  as  the  author’s  own  approach  and  conclusions  about  there  search 
The  research  is  based  on  the  scientific  views  of  significant  philosophers,  as  well  as  the