human rights

The individual components of the administrative-legal regime of confidential information

The paper deals with the definition of the features of legal regulation of information and confidential information that is of great importance, because the specified type of information is personal data about physical and legal entity, which is to be distributed only with the consent of its owners. It is proved that every day information and other technologies evolve and access to confidential information may become less secure, that violates the constitutional rights of people.

Methods of the activity of public communities in Ukraine

The article deals with the methods of the activity of public communities in Ukraine. The author investigates the system of the methods of the activity of public communities which include: persuasion and coercion as universal methods; supervision; administrativejurisdictional activity; a method of information gathering, etc. The basic features of the human rights method of the activity of public communities are revealed.

The general theoretical characteristic of relationship between freedom of expression and freedom of speech

In the presented work the author has defined the general theoretical aspects of relationship between freedom of expression and freedom of speech. Describes the notion and sense of “speech”, “opinions”, ”freedom of expression”. Also, formulated proposals for the law of Ukraine about proclamation of freedom of expression.

On aggressive policy in a state ruling of Russia against Ukraine (historical legal aspect)

The author analyses the contemporary political activity of Russian Federation state rulers and its aggressive character forwarded against the Ukraine. Modern politically strategic activity of Russian authorities is a direct threat to national security, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Historical background constitutional recognition human rights in xiii–xviii centuries: european and national theory and practice

The article deals with the development of philosophical and legal views on the theory of natural law as the basis for determining the human rights during XII–XVIII centuries within Europe and in Ukraine. Based on this volume and studied forms of human rights in the consolidation of European and national constitutional acts specified period. Within this, a detailed analysis of the content Bender hetman Phulip Orlyk Constitution, on April 5, 1710.

Right to fair trial: independent and impartial problems

In the article the principle elements of a fair trial. Particular attention is focused on the element of independence and impartiality of the judiciary. Indicated that the principle of independence as regards the justice system or the status of judges in the country, their
interaction with other bodies. Principle provides unbiased focus on the particular case.

Historical research school doctrine of human rights in the paradigm of public power relation

The article examines historical views on the functioning of public power sphere of public
relations. Particular attention is paid to the origin and development of the doctrine of human
rights and its impact on the legal nature of public power relations. In particular examines the
philosophical ideas of thinkers like Machiavelli, Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
Montesquieu, Kant, Hegel