human rights

Concept of human rights in the philosophy and legal discussion of antitetic positions

Theoretical understanding and philosophical comprehension of all legal phenomena
began with the traditional division of the right to positive and natural, so they are considered
as certain antipodes in the general consciousness, which, however, are the most practical and
significant types of legal thinking. We managed to trace the fact that it was the intensive
development of humanistic ideas in the context of new political and economic trends that led to
the emergence of the doctrine of “natural human rights”. Increasingly, among the general

Peculiarities of protection by the European Court of human rights not to be subjected to torture and other forms of violent cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and punishment

The article analyzes the sphere of application for Article 3 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Based on the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the distinction between the concepts of torture and inhuman treatment has been researched. Attention is drawn to the absolute character of Article 3 of the Convention, regardless of circumstances or situations.

Cultural Memory as a Factor of Identity Construction in the Conditions of Ukrainian Society Transformation

The article deals with the problem of actualization of the cultural memory potential as a social tool in the process of identity construction in the conditions of the Ukrainian society democratic transformation. The main thesis of the article is that the cultural memory has mighty resources in the conditions of a democratic and lawful state, securing forming, preserving, transferring and developing of cultural norms, values, knowledge and meanings, contributing to integration, social consolidation.

Globalization in the legal plane: forming contour “global law”

This article analyzes globalization in the legal plane. Particular attention is paid to the impact of globalization on the interaction of international, European and national law. Separately, an analysis of different dialogue courts of law and order in terms of reasoning their decisions. The conclusions about the formation of a global international rule of law, strengthening regional (supranational) law, the impact of globalization on justice.

History of infringement of rights under the law in force in the ukrainian lands in 11th–18th centuries

The article historical and legal analysis of infringement of rights under the law in force in the Ukrainian lands in the 11th–18th centuries. It is concluded that the first wine life deprived of all human rights and civil rights, which led to his complete all injustice and so-called “political” or “civic death”. Over time, the trend of narrowing the rights denied convicted, and reducing their term. Defeat rights were directed not against personal dignity as a person convicted but against those goods that belonged to him as a citizen.

Individual constitutional complaint in Ukraine (the elements of humanistic methodology institute)

The article examines the institution of individual constitutional complaint and offers its application in Ukraine on the basis of experience of other countries where it exists. The analysis of the problems related to the realization of an individual complaint has been carried out. In order to introduce this institution the attention should be paid to the necessity of legislative supplements, changes in the organizational structure as well as in methods of judicial activity of Constitutional Court of Ukraine

On the question of the legal nature of socio-economic rights in the context of the modern doctrine of constitutionalism

The main problems of the legal nature of socio-economic rights are examined. Scientific approaches of their realization in comparison with personal and political rights of the “first generation” are studied. The need for the existence of social and economic rights on the level of constitutional regulation is analyzed

Methods of the activity of public communities in Ukraine

The article deals with the methods of the activity of public communities in Ukraine. The author investigates the system of the methods of the activity of public communities which include: persuasion and coercion as universal methods; supervision; administrativejurisdictional activity; a method of information gathering, etc. The basic features of the human rights method of the activity of public communities are revealed.

The individual components of the administrative-legal regime of confidential information

The paper deals with the definition of the features of legal regulation of information and confidential information that is of great importance, because the specified type of information is personal data about physical and legal entity, which is to be distributed only with the consent of its owners. It is proved that every day information and other technologies evolve and access to confidential information may become less secure, that violates the constitutional rights of people.