human rights

Right to fair trial: independent and impartial problems

In the article the principle elements of a fair trial. Particular attention is focused on the element of independence and impartiality of the judiciary. Indicated that the principle of independence as regards the justice system or the status of judges in the country, their
interaction with other bodies. Principle provides unbiased focus on the particular case.

Historical research school doctrine of human rights in the paradigm of public power relation

The article examines historical views on the functioning of public power sphere of public
relations. Particular attention is paid to the origin and development of the doctrine of human
rights and its impact on the legal nature of public power relations. In particular examines the
philosophical ideas of thinkers like Machiavelli, Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
Montesquieu, Kant, Hegel

Volodymyr Starosolsky’s advocacy and political public activity on defence of Ukrainians’ language rights in the second commonwealth of Poland

Participation of Volodymyr Starosolskyi as an advocate, publicman and scientist in
defence of Ukrainians’ linguistic rights in the Second Commonwealth of Poland is examined in
the context of Ukrainian national question at the beginning of XX century

General review of the commissioner of the President of Ukraine for children`s rights legal status

The article is devoted to the examination of the origin of the Commissioner of the
President of Ukraine for children`s rights institute and the legal status of an ombudsman for
children. Moreover, some proposals are introduced on the improvement of the existing model
of an ombudsman for children

The idea of people’s sovereignty in ukrainian politico-legal thought at the end of the 19th century – in the first quarter of the 20th century

The analysis of the history of formation and development of the idea of people’s sovereignty in Ukrainian legal thought was performed. It was mentioned that the doctrine of sovereignty of the people in Ukraine which had been formulated at the end of the 19th century – in the first quarter of the 20th century, despite of coming from European legal tradition includedsome particular features which were typical for the peoples deprived of national independence and sovereignty.

The human right to die in natural way as part of the right’s to life content (modern Orthodox ideas in the light of international standards)

The article focuses on the human right for life, especially to human rights to be die in a natural way. Such important questions as euthanasia, capital punishment (death penalty) and premeditated murder are analyzed in the article. The article analyzes the modern 163 interpretation of the Orthodox Church appointed on the issue, mentioned before. This interpretation is also compared with international standards; similar and distinctive features are detected by the way.

Reforming the law enforcement system in the context of socio-legal framework of human right

The article raises questions of reforming the law enforcement system in the context of social and legal mechanisms to ensure human rights. The theoretical and legal aspects of the mechanism of human rights in statics and dynamics of social development in a national law enforcement adaptation to EU requirements in accordance with Ukraine Association Agreement with the EU. Principles of formation of law enforcement in relation to the sociolegal mechanisms to ensure human rights.

National sovereignty and human rights as the fundamental and interrelated principles of constitutionality

The question of the meaning of the national sovereignty principles and human rights for a modern constitutional state is raised and analyzed. It is noted that the two mentioned principles are closely interrelated in the process of their realization.