

This paper analyzes the world sources and considers the evolution of the e-learning system in the world, which are necessary for the formation of the e-learning system of the educational institution. The object of research is modern information pedagogical technologies that change the educational process. Subject of research – various educational technologies (distance, mixed, mobile, micro-) learning that influence the effectiveness of the educational process.

Philosophy of formation of lawyer's competences

There is a gap in the process of discussing the reform of higher education in the legal field, which has not yet been identified as significant by experts. The point is that the communicative component of the legal profession has become completely despised in the educational process, and later in practice. This is due to the leveling of branch communication and jurisprudential science, which are practically absent in the domestic humanities: neither the languages of modern law nor legal linguistics are properly developed by researchers.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in the System of Main Competences of the Manager

Variability of the external environment, instability, active use of information systems, which accelerates access to information and requires rapid processing of data — all these have influence on the emotional state of modern managers at different levels of government, their subordinates, the relationship between them, the moral and psychological climate in the team. communication processes, etc.

Constitutional and legal status of the judicial authority in the USA: historical and legal aspects

In the article, based on a thorough analysis of the Constitution of the UnitedStates
(1787), the Judgment Act of 1789, a significant number of scientific literatureclarifies the
historical and legal aspects of the constitutional and legal status of thejudiciary in the United
States. The order of appointment (election) of judges in theUSA is investigated. The
advantages of the organization of the US judicial system, theappointment of federal judges,
and certain shortcomings in the implementation oflegal regulation have been identified.

Directors of realization of school education

The article analyzes the status of legal regulation of school education and outlines the key directions of reforming general secondary education. It was clarified that the concept of 87 realization of the state policy in the sphere of reforming of general secondary education "New Ukrainian School" for the period up to 2029 envisages the development of a new law "On general secondary education" and an action plan for reforming the system of general secondary education. The necessity of reforming secondary education is dictated by time, new requirements of society.


The article considered the effectiveness of evaluation employees competencies of enterprises. On the basis of the proposed measures for the development of employees competencies in the conditions of limited resources, an economic-mathematical model is proposed that involves solving various problems in improving the level of development of employees competences, which in turn affects on the level of the innovation activity efficiency of enterprises.

The notion and content of quality assurance of higher education in Ukraine

The article is dedicated to the study of the content of quality assurance of higher education. The basic principles of education quality assurance are defined in the article. The legal status of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is analyzed.

Harmonizing the requirements of professional and educational it standards with the competencies of graduates of high education it specialties

The article covers necessity, concept and role of professional standards for the system of ІТ-industry and ІТ-education, international practice of their use. A structure and content of professional ІТ standards in Ukraine are as well described. It is proved that professional standards provide the sphere of education with the necessary information about areas and objects of professional activity of graduating students, her kinds, tasks and necessary competenses of future specialists. Expediency analysis requirements of stakeholders in the development of IT education content presented.

Сompetence as the legal status enforcement authorities

The article is devoted to the competence of the executive authorities, as element of their legal status, which is one of the most important issues of administrative law related to the organization of activity of bodies of state power, especially Executive power, and that requires a serious scientific understanding and integrated analysis of a standard material.

By creating a professional – competent police officers in the context of civil society

In the scientific study of the main ways of formation of professional and competent police
officers in the context of civil society. Problems of professional training of employees and
departments of the MIA of Ukraine, special attention is paid to the development of new forms
and methods of qualitative success of the police officers