
Philosophical-linquistic aspects of internet-communication (Review Article)

The current state and language features of Internet communication are examined. It is found out that in the new communication environment, not only traditional communication is presented, but fundamentally new forms are formed. Hence, such notions as “metalanguage” and “new speech” are emerging. A new style (Internet communication style) is formed, which is characterized by: 1) written pronunciation; 2) hyperintertextuality; 3) fixed spokenness; 4) spontaneity. New forms of communication are growing in popularity and clearly distinguishconvenient communication options.

Civil society and its legal values in a democratic transformation: experience of Ukraine

This article explores the concept of legal values of civil society and its relationship with the legal consciousness of citizens and the democratic transformation. Such basic legal values as freedom, equality, justice, private property, protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen are characterized. It analyzed the need for a clearly developed and rationalized democratic ideology as the foundation for the further development of legal values of civil society in Ukraine is analyzed.

Human rights and freedoms in the philosophy of law ukrainian populists: origin and formation

The article investigates the features of formation of the populist philosophy of law and the philosophical and legal ideas in Ukraine. The article analyzes the development of philosophical thought in the context of European philosophical and legal culture and the roots of its own formation. The basic ideas of the relationship between the position of human rights with notions of power and state in philosophical and legal concepts Ukrainian populists, their views on natural law.

Ukrainian national state: feature to historiosophy problem

The phenomenon of Ukrainian state as a nation is investigated in the context of historiosophical approaches. It has been suggested that the process of Ukrainian national state is dependable on constants of values – a kind of national ideas within the stages of development of Ukrainian statehood. It is assumed that such value to the Ukrainian time laying the foundations of national statehood, can be considered the concept of “freedom” and subsequently derived from it “will”, “freedom”. They all have a modern day comparable to the concept of “democracy” in its broadest sense.

A tireless fighter for the rights and freedom of Ukrainian people (to the 160 anniversary of I. Franko)

Scientific-theoretical and revolutionary activity of the genius of the Ukrainian people Ivan Franko directed to the social and national liberation of Ukrainian people struggle for its rights and freedoms is being observed.

Free will of a man under globalization of the society (natural and legal aspect)

The article deals with the philosophical and legal approach to understanding of natural and legal features of the preservation and development of free will of a person under globalization of the society. A great attention is paid to the basic natural and legal values that form the basis of the principles of human activity in the socio-natural space.

The problem of gender equality: new challenges and threats

According to sociological data, the majority of Ukraine’s population has the highest level of confidence in a Church and shares traditional Christian views on the composition of the family, education of children, the role of a mother and a father in children’s education. Therefore, the paper focuses on the understanding of gender equality through the prism of the Christian worldview.

Protecting the freedom, independence and sovereignty in the political and legal concepts of Hegel

The problem of protecting freedom, independence and sovereignty in the philosophical, political and legal concepts of the great German philosopher GVF Hegel. German philosopher made a profound analysis of the role and place of the state in the development and functioning of society. He is one of the first drew attention to the need to protect the state of freedom, independence and sovereignty of aggression. In this respect, revealed the role and place of the people and the army to protect their country.

H. V. Leibnic – anoutstandind thinker of western-european science and cu hure (devoted to 300-years since death)

The article deals with some scientific, philosophical, socially-legal, religious concepts of brilliant German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz made a huge contribution to the organization and creation of scientific institutions in English, Italy, Germany, Russia and France. Due to his scientific and theoretical creativity he was ahead of his time, formulated the ideas that formed the basis of many modern sciences.