
Social-culturological aspects of competition

The social-cultural aspects of competition are highlighted as consistent pattern of its evolution. The role of social capital and social values in the competitive environment is emphasized. The accent is made on the refocusing of the key functions of the competition towards socialization. The importance of the development of fair competition, the emerging of the contemporary ethical competencies and culture of market behavior are stressed.

Renovation and aesthetic changes in the interior of the Dormition of the Mother of God сhurch in Lviv, the evolution of its development

Розглянуто еволюцію розвитку архітектурного комплексу церкви Успіння Богородиці (м. Львів). Виявлено основні етапи реноваційно-естетичних змін в інтер’єрному середовищі церкви та заакцентовано на конкурсі 1911 р. по естетичній реконструкції художнього та предметного наповнення церкви за участю відомого львівського монументаліста Модеста Сосенка (1875–1920). Основна ціль дослідження – на прикладі однієї архітектурної пам’ятки виявити історіографію естетично-реноваційних змін, які супроводжують будь яку нерухому пам’ятку протягом певного хронологічного періоду.


The article focuses on the current state of the film market, in particular, the main directions of activity of the main cinematographic networks of Ukraine are considered: "Multiplex cinema", "Planet Kino", "Kievkinofilm", "Kinopalats". Their place in the film market of Ukraine is determined. The competitive advantages of private cinemas, namely "Multiplex" and "Planet Cinema", are explored.

Features of realization of public purchases of commodities, works at services in the field of health protection

Essence of public purchases of remedies, medical commodities is considered. Legal frameworks of purchase of remedies are outlined by the representatives of health protection. The order of realization of electronic торгов and establishment of the agreed price is certain.

Foreign and national implementation practice of the state policy of railway indusry restructuring for strengthening its competitive position

The generalization of the foreign and national practice of the state policy of the railway industry restructuring with identification of its key provisions was performed. The originating sources of the railway industry market position degradation issue were identified. The topical tasks of Ukrzaliznytsia PJSC on the today’s stage of its reforming for strengthening of its market position were defined. The potential opportunities and peculiarities of the public and private companies’ interaction in the rolling stock repairs and modernization process were explored.

Qualitative changes in market and investment environment of domestic enterprises and marketing of their problem of domestic and foreign markets sales

The article given characteristic qualitative changes in the market environment, operation and development of Ukrainian business. The attention is focused on strengthening the process of European integration, accumulation of external and internal threats, requiring significant changes in the marketing policy of companies and their activities on domestic and foreign markets. Identified causes of low efficiency of Ukrainian companies in the EU markets after entering the country for zero duties for exports.

The problems of identification of integrated structures in a competitive environment

The approaches to determining the theoretical content of the integrated structures are considered. In this article the aim, objectives and role functioning economic structures integrated in the national economy of Ukraine are considered. The characteristic of the assets of the integrated structures, their share in various fields is showed. Directions of their functioning in the context of globalization and increased competition are determined. The main criteria for their classification and types of integrated companies are defined.

Necessity of restructuring ukrainian airlines business and improving their value management in conditions of european integration and increased competition

The article describes the qualitative and quantitative changes reflecting dynamics of the airlines development in the domestic and foreign air passenger transport markets. The reasons that caused bankruptcy of “Dniproavia” joint stock company are characterized; the results of regression models are assesssed. The factors that dictate the need for restructuring Ukrainian airlines business on the basis of the international airlines experience are determined.

Analysis state investment competition in Ukraine

The article reveals the essence of investment competition and presents research of macroenvironment of enterprises of construction industry. Proved that attracting investment in the development of the national economy stands pressing issue today, because investment activity and investment in the country is a basic factor in the development of all sectors and particularly capital intensive, that is, the construction industry.

Development of industrial enterprises by streamlining their staff

The article highlights the importance of modernization of enterprises in the conditions of  rapid scientific and technological progress and fierce competition in the domestic and foreign markets. It is shown that only entrepreneurs can effectively function that modernizes its material base, especially technological equipment. It impossible to apply the latest technology using the old and worn-out equipment.