Borrowing in the Ukrainian literary terminology of late XIX – early XX century

: pp. 126 - 130

Zhanhazinova R. Borrowing in the Ukrainian literary terminology of late XIX – early XX century // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2016. – # 842.

Ivan Franko National University of L'viv

The article deals with the terminology of literary articles at the beginning of the late XIX - early XX century. Categories of terms according to its origin were examined, where terms borrowed from Greek, Latin, Italian, French, German or English languages were found, sometimes involving language mediator. Also proper Ukrainian terms and and heterogeneous elements were recorded.

All cultures of the world are developing in a close relationship. The result of this interaction is the appearance of borrowed concepts, symbols and foreign language vocabulary in languages of different nations. The historical development of Ukrainian culture and art, as well as expanding cultural relations of the Ukrainian language has always been a factor of filling lexical system of borrowed words. There is no exception even terminological Ukrainian literature, which for many centuries was formed under the influence of language systems of other nations. One of the most dynamic layers each of language lexical system is its terminology. It continuously develops and produces new terms, based on its own vocabulary, and on material of borrowed words. For scientists who study the history of borrowing from the language and reason of this process, borrowed words which penetrate into the national language system, has always been the object of interest. Questions of borrowing terms have been always attracted the attention of researchers and occupied an important place in scientific terminology problems. All terminology systems radically different from other layers of linguistic units are the presence of numerous borrowings from other languages. Such borrowing is an active source of replenishment terminology system.

The article deals with the terminology of literary articles at the beginning of the late XIX  early XX century.

In this study, we identified 234 terms that functioned in the scientific writings of the late XIX  early XX century. And if you examine in detail the terms from the perspective of origin, it should be noted that there is the vast majority of borrowed terms.

When we classify literary terms in scientific articles of the late XIX  early XXcen., the following categories of terms are allocated:

1) Ukrainian own terms;

2) foreign-language borrowing;

3) the terms hybrids or mixed-type terms.

The origin of the structure of singular literary terms is 70% (163) units - a genetically foreign words or borrowings, 28% (66) terms - are actually Ukrainian terms and 2% (5) - a heterogeneous terms, the so-called hybrids or terminological units mixed type. We found terms borrowed from Greek, Latin, Italian, French, German or English languages, sometimes involving language mediator. In most of those cases terms of Greek and Latin origin have been founded. Some of these terms were inherited by Ukrainian language through the Roman-Germanic or Slavic languages. The terms of Greek origin quantitatively prevail over Latin. Third place by the number of occupied terms are borrowed from French. Somewhat less we found terms derived from Italian, English and German. Depending on the process, borrowed terms can be direct or indirect way. As for literary terms, the absolute majority of them was borrowed in direct way without other languages.

Borrowing in different languages is quite logical and natural and predictable as no language can be content with its own reserves lexical stock and must borrow lexical items and be a source of new vocabulary for other languages. Research and analysis of Ukrainian literary terminology of the late XIX - early XX century makes it possible to conclude that borrowing of foreign terms –it is a natural phenomenon and an important means of enriching Ukrainian literary terminology.

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