licensing Terms
The issue "Ukrainian Journal of Information Technologies" is an open access Scientific Journal. All articles are freely available to Readers immediately after their publication.
Open Licenses for Access (OLA) are widely used by companies like Google, Microsoft, Wikimedia Foundation, Apple, Yandex, Rambler, and more. The usage of OLA is provided by policy documents adopted in the EU and the US in particular, this applies to publications created during the execution of the EU Framework Program (FP7, the "Horizon 2020").
The use of OLA is presented in several international declarations:
● Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) – public initiative on the Principles of Open Access to Scientific Literature, was released to the public February 14, 2002;
● Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Scientific and Humanities – one of the key documents in the field of Open Access, Signed on October 20-22, 2003 at the Conference on Open Access in Berlin, organized by the Max Planck Society;
● "Bethesda Statement" relatively Open Access publication 2003;
● Statement on Open Access to Scientific Literature and Research documentation International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) 2003;
● Salvador Declaration "Open Access: from the perspective of the developing world" adopted in Brazil in 2005, which determines that in a world in which Science is universal, unacceptable restrictions on Access to Scientific Information.
The policy of Open Access of the Issue "Ukrainian Journal of Information Technologies" meets all these international declarations – which means that the articles posted on the Internet, while anyone to let you read, download, copy, distribute, print, refer to the full text of articles, indexing, transfer the data to be used in the software or use in any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers other than those that may arise when gaining access to the Internet.
Project Creative Commons (CC) – an attempt to create a Licensing Model that could work in any country, to develop a standard in the field of Open Licenses and eliminate the problem of Incompatible Licenses, giving holders the opportunity to Authorize the use of their Works and Objects of Related Rights to the public worldwide.
The project also offers licenses CC adapted to the Laws of different countries. These licenses are adapted based on the International License, but with changes that reflect terminology and national legislation in the field of Intellectual Property.
Elements CC licenses. Online Creative Commons ( are standard forms of different types of licenses. A person who has Copyright can fill at Creative Commons simple Form and an Electronic Copy of the License. As an indication of the Copyright notice is optional, there is no standard methods for tracking Published Material Protection by Copyright.
Creative Commons licenses use Electronic Tags (Tags) written in XML, which allows software tools to track License Terms. The Licenses contain a brief description and detailed text in the form of a License. Not required product distribution with the terms of the text. The indications of Alphabetic Code License are sufficient. In the CC license key license types are registered in their names.
Each CC License requires from users the works:
● to obtain Permission from the Author in any of the Actions that the Author decides to limit;
● keep any Copyright notices on Copies of Works;
● put a Link to the License from Copies of the Work;
● not change the Terms of the License;
● not to use Technologies to limit Legitimate usage of the work by other recipients of License.
Thus, authors who publish articles in the Issue "Ukrainian Journal of Information Technologies", agree that:
1. All Content of the Journal is distributed under License Creative Commons Attribution (CCAL). According to CCAL authors retain the Rights to their Articles, but allow all free to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute and/or copy them, provided attribution. In all cases of the above permission from Authors or Publishers do not need.
2. The Authors of Journal retain the Right to enter into certain contractual arrangements relating to the non-exclusive distribution Rights in the published version of this form (for example, placing it in the university store, publish a book), with reference to its original publication in the Journal.
3. The Journal provides immediate Open Access to its content, based on this principle: Free Open Access to Research increases the Volume of Global Knowledge Sharing.