: cc.125-129
Vinnytsia National Technical University
O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

In Ukraine, there is still a great number of unused, unidentified and substandard pesticide preparations (PPs) and other toxic substances which have an extremely dangerous impact on humans and other living ecosystems and the environment. Besides, more than 75 thousand tons of pesticides are imported and produced annually in Ukraine, but some of them are not used during the period of their suitability. Consequently, when stored mostly in dilapidated warehouses and repositories of agrochemicals, as well as in the open areas, they fall into underground and ground water, and then through trophic chains into the organisms of living systems, causing severe poisoning and diseases. We note that till now, the problem of unsuitable PPs was solved only in the context of their utilization or export for processing outside the state, while the rest of this ecological problem - the restoration of soils and the remediation of contaminated lands at the state level, is not virtually solved. Therefore, the substantiation of the scientific and practical aspects of environmental safety management of such remediation processes is on time.

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