One of the industries that uses large amounts of water is the food industry. Industrial, domestic managers of the production process stand out with it and enter the environment surrounded by contaminated effluents. Their main feature is the high content of dissolved organic matter and nitrogen. You can also create wall water to create aggregate-resistant colloids, which include animal and vegetable fats, proteins, starch, sugar, as well as salts, carbohydrates, dyes, thickeners, preservatives. As a result of the technology of treatment of such industrial effluents, is a combination of different technologies and methods of treatment and the creation of several units depending on the parameters of wastewater.
The purpose of our work is:
1) Analysis of physical and chemical indicators of industrial waters of food industry enterprises, monitoring of their impact on the environment;
2) to outline perspective directions of technologies of industrial water purification and creation of closed water circulation systems.
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